This will probably be in contact with, or see, many relatives that you are not as familiar with anymore, or don't know at all. Usually, I would call these the "Special Occasion" friends and family. Since I was five, I've had an entire half of my family I only saw at funerals, literally....only funerals. At these times, it is never appropriate to catch up, so we never seem to stay in touch. It is not that we do not love or like each other, it's soley because of the fact all of our memories together are fogged up with tears. Part of my family is not into being in touch with emotions, so it is hard for them to move beyond those awkward times. Anyway, I am not trying to make a testimony, but I just want to say that if you want to keep relationships strong, or present whatsoever, there must be effort put forth by all of you. There is no, "well, you never call me!" There are at least TWO people in a relationship, two that are both responsible. So, be with those you love on the holidays, and, if possible, make time to see them throughout other parts of the year also. HAPPY HOLIDAYSSS


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Comment by Oliviasmommy <3 on January 2, 2010 at 12:53pm
i know how that is like i got a whole bunch of relatives that added me on facebook right and they don't say a word to me its like hello but i do talk to them and they give no reply








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