for anyone who is interested

the book im writing is called Of Saints and Sovereigns (osas for short)
it is about the truth behind the world
how there once was a time where several races lived in unity on earth
until they started fighting
and god had to seperate them to different dimentions of the same earth,
giving each of them a demi-god to govern over them.
the humans of course killed their demi-god(jesus)
and we start nearly a thousand years after the death of jesus.
in atlantis
where war is about to break among the last pure place on the human side of earth
thx to a traitor

part 2 takes place in a land above heaven
where only those dubbed Saints are allowed
but a few of the demi-gods want to rule over everything
so they break out and attack
using this holy place as a base of opperations

part 3 takes place in current time
where one of the demi-gods
the god of demons
gave all his power to several demons before he died
he was the one leading the opperation in 2

and part 4 takes place in the near future
2 of our heroes had kids together
and the kids are twins
each with different powers
they must prove that they are worthy of becoming the new sovereigns of the human earth
by stopping a renegade soul collector
they travel to the demon realm
and find out that before he went awol
Lucifer created a race of his own
to try to outclass god

at the end of 4
we find out that this wasnt all lucifers doing like we thought
but someone from the same realm that god came from
that obviously knows god
but seeing as god went completely insane
and then completely sane
as he was exiled here
he forgot everything of his past
this guy seems to be a good friend of gods
and wants to turn him back to his old ways
but our heroes wont allow it
they must save their creator from this all-powerful being
and with him
save all of creation as well...

might make them all into different books also
if i get enough into each part lol

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Comment by Alana on April 18, 2009 at 11:09am
Comment by kimmy on April 13, 2009 at 1:53am
that sounds awesome. i'd definitely read it :D








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5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

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Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

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