hello readers,

as you can see, this is the first blog I made in this site. hahaha. so then i'd like to tell you guys what happened to me yesterday, March 8, 2009. I went to the concert of RJA in Tinoma and I waited for them behind the stage. I totally prayed to the Almighty that I get to meet and greet them, unfortunately, I wasn't able to. I waited two whole hours but when they finished signing cds and stuff, it was totally crowded around the back door. this was how i failed. i wasn;t able to see them(except the drummer). It was so funny when the fans of RJA started screaming when they saw this guy(only part of the stage crew actually) whom they thought was part of the band. hahah funny much. there was this person who gave us the list of songs that RJA played( luckily i was able to catch it). I saw the list of songs but what attracted me most was the text that said:


again that was so funny.

during the concert, i didn't understand anything that ronnie said. i think it was the mic. damn that mic. i was like: "what did he say?" seriously it was so unclear. i think the only sentence that i understood there was "you should really try that out"

this is all i can say

xxo, me

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Comment by Joy Donabel on March 13, 2009 at 11:35am
i was near a speaker... but i was so not in myself that time, but hey i cursed a lot that time..... hahahaha
Comment by tricia vera on March 10, 2009 at 3:12pm
you're right about that, it was really the mic,that i almost couldnt understand what ronnie was saying
Comment by CAROLYN GERTRUDE ROSEBUSH on March 9, 2009 at 4:56pm
hahahaha i wonder why they couldnt curse at that particular show? not that they normally do that much anyway


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