PEOPLE CAN'T BE EMO, DAMN IT! (Differences of: Emo, emotional, and scene)

I’ve noticed a lot of people claim they’re emo. I’m sorry…but NO!
Let’s define emo, shall we?
EMO- emo emerged during the mid 80’s and was just an off-shoot of punk.
Emo’s short for “Emotive Hardcore” and it’s NOTHING BUT a sub genre
(this is a very tight and specific word. there’s nothing more to it!).
If you call yourself “emo”, that wouldn’t make any sense at all beyond
any level imaginable! You are called “scenesters”

Someone asked me: “well for hip hop: there are hip hoppers; for rock:
there are rockers; for punk: there are punks. Why can’t we have emo
people w/o being called poseurs if there’s an emo genre?”
1.)Because people nowadays interpret “emo” as a fashion statement, a
way of life, and other general crap (that holds infinite sub topics
under them which then resulted to giving “emo” numerous possible false
and vague principles) without even knowing the true meaning of “emo”.
Having a hairstyle that covers a portion of your face, wearing make-up
and skinny jeans, cutting yourself, and babbling about your miserable
life DOES NOT MAKE YOU EMO! And this is the time when the so-called
“scenester (kids/people)” or “scene” (for short) joins the different
categories of the clique. And
2.)Because REAL emo music has been DEAD for like over a decade now.
Most of you were probably just toddlers wetting your beds every other
night when emo died (and you call yourselves emo? pfff GET
REAL!). What you guys categorize as emo nowadays are just (mostly shitty) pop
punk/pop rock teenage angst (thanks to mainstream shit) and not emo! HUUUGE
DIFFERENCE!!!I I would absolutely bet ONE GRAND if you ask someone who
claims he/she’s emo, they WON’T be able to name a REAL EMO band (or
post emo for that matter) correctly without digging up some serious and
reliable info on the internet. Heck, I highly even doubt they’ll come
up with a REAL SCREAMO band-which is veeery different compared to emo,
by the way. Oh and guess what…I don’t have $1,000 on me! That’s just
how confident I am regarding this “fact” (yeah
that’s right I DID consider it as a ”FACT”!)

So tell me…how can you be a fucking GENRE? And a DEAD one for that matter!

1.) Forthrightly speaking, that question’s just pure bullshit. Did it
ever enter your mind that if emo had the meaning of “emotional”, hell
it would’ve been the LARGEST genre ’cause music’s all about emotions?!
Then, emo would’ve been uber popular, hence, people wouldn’t have come
up with such imbecile questions wondering why a person cannot be called
2.) Emo = Emotional = No fucking sense at all whatsoever. Why, you ask?
Because if you think only certain people can be labeled as
“emo(tional)”, well then you’re damn wrong (& I recommend that you
learn how to think deeper or else I’ll be forced to think that you’re
mentally challenged). You can’t just label a certain group of people to
be “Emo(tional)” for everyone IS emotional. Everything that has life,
every breath, every state, every feeling, IS emotional. And yes, even
when you’re bored! Being bored is a state/feeling of craving for
something worth doing, ergo it is also a freaking emotion just like
being angry, sad, happy, confused, lonely, hyper, frustrated, (etc.)
you name it! So if emo stood for “emotional”, it doesn’t narrow
anything down to just specific people; it narrows it down to EVERYONE
which doesn’t help at all (but if your goal is to make a complete idiot
out of yourself, well then that’s one rare occasion when it helps…a

I hope this explanation helped you understand why emo CANNOT mean
emotional, why people CANNOT be categorized as such, and somehow CLEAN
the REPUTATION of the BASTARDIZED word we all know as “EMO”.

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