i want your opinion of online dating.

see i met this guy on myspace and we've been talking for two days and he asked me if i would consider being his gf. i told him maybe, but that i didnt know him well enough yet cuz im not into dating just for the heck of it. i want to date someone who i could see myself marrying. he said he understood that.

my thing is ive always be taught to be careful with online dating and i dont know what to do, but i am really starting to like him. also, its not like he lives thousands of miles away. he lives about an hour away from my home and about 4 hours away from where i live while im at college.

i just wanted to know you're opinions about it

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Comment by Mariel on February 18, 2009 at 2:08pm
online dating sucks bad that's all i can say.
Comment by xent on January 29, 2009 at 5:43am
online dating is no to a true love...because you dont know if he/she really loves you...hey punkin,dont consider him to be his gf,because you dont know.if he had a gf...if she does have..you will be broken hearted and be hurt to what he did
Comment by King on January 28, 2009 at 1:00pm
You could try meeting up but that'd be risky too since you don't really know the guy. Y'know, he might turn out to be some rapist or something. Anyways, I'm not really into online dating just because there are a lot of con artists online. Who knows, the person might be lying on what he really is since you can't really tell if he's lying since he's on the internet.
Comment by Nikkay :] on January 28, 2009 at 8:55am
Erm.. two days and he's asking you to be his girlfriend? That's not really safe.
If anything meet him. But since it's over the internet and you meet someone in real life, take a friend with you that way you don't get hurt if things take a wrong turn.

But after TWO days? That says something is fishy. I'm not judging him, but that smells fishy.

Talk to him for maybe a month or two and see what happends. If you like him just as much in two months as you do now, then you're set. But don't jump the gun right away with the whole dating online thing. Besides, some of the best guys you find don't even have a myspace. (:


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