So, I got to go to the Daytona Beach show at Frank's Front Row =) I was honored enough to be placed on their guest list, me +1. So I took my best friend with me. Unfortunately, we got there and found out that RJA wasn't playing until midnight =( Her dad told her she wasn't allowed to stay that late to watch them, so he came and picked her up. I went to go back in, and the guy at the door was all "Do you have your ID?" and I said "Yea.." and he goes "10$ please" and I was like "I'm supposed to be on Red Jumpsuit's guest list.." and he's like "We don't have a guest list, everyone is paying" and I was like "....." so I went to the back door and asked the guy at the back about it and he said, "Well, the band is here. So go up and ask if someone can go get Randy" and I was like "Ok.." so I did, but the guy at the door said he couldn't leave the door because he was dealing with the entrance fee stuff. So I was like "This sucks..." Then, Randy walks in the front door, and I'm like"o.O Randy!" and he's like "Hey, what's up? " and I said "You forgot to put me on the guest list.. =/" and he said "Oh. I'm sorry.." and I showed him the message he sent me telling me he'd put me on it, so he wouldn't think I was some rnadom person wanting to get on it. and he's like "Ok, yea, just leave it up there so I can see how to spell it" and the door guy was like"Oh, don't worry about it, she can go in" so i got my wristband. I didn't know the band on stage and I was alone, so I was standing near the table where Staci was selling stuff, so I got to meet her and talk for a bit. Then I left out to go charge my phone in my car and came back when it was done. There was a different band on stage I didn't like, but the singer of the first band was at the table next to Staci's and I told him I liked his stuff, cuz I did. He gave me a free necklace with a pick on it =) I should upload it haha.
Too long..
Anyway, so I moved up and took a spot next to the stage and when Hair of the Beast (The second band i didn't like too much..) got done, and while they were setting the stage up for RJA, this creepy guy was all looking me up and down, and motioning me towards with his finger and I'm like "Uh..." and he said "Yea, come here" and I moved a little away. His friend gave me a 'rapist-in-an-alleyway' look... Then I saw Joey, so I went over and said hi. And I was like ,"Do you remember me?" and he said "Kinda, yea." So I told him "I met you at Jack Rabbits in Dec 09, and i was the girl who was all 'Can you sign this? Can I hug you?' and the security came over and told you I asked for permission to hug you" and he was like "Oh yea, hey. what's up?" Then I saw Ronnie come in and he was talking to someone. I just waved at him, and he remembered me without reminder. He was like "Hey, what's up?" and I went to him and he hugged me and was like "How have you been?" and I told him I been pretty good and I think I said a couple of things, but I don't really remember. Then I saw Josh, so I decided to go say hi to him too and we had a brief conversation, talking about whatever haha. Then they got up on stage and I retook my spot next to it. And it was an awesome concert, I was singing really loud and like rocking out and stuff. and during Damn Regret, Ronnie put the mic down and let me sing into it. Which was the most amazing moment of my life... =0 I told him so later haha.
At the end of the concert, Ronnie and Josh walked out back and I went out when I got the chance to get my pics and signatures but I didn't see them. and This guy was like"who you looking for?" and I'm like "Ronnie and Josh.. I just saw them >.>" and there were these garbage cans to the left, and I was looking around and all I saw was Josh and Ronnie pop up simultaneously and I was like laughing and said "What are you guys doing?" and Ronnie's all "shhh.." and I was like ,"Ok then" and I laughed again, then I got my signatures on their album I got =) Got my picture. I think that's about when I told him about the amazing moment of my life thing. and stupidly mentioned how on my list of RJA songs, Represent was in the lower half >.< I don't dislike anyhting by them, I realy dont =/ *sigh* I kinda felt bad later. But Ronnie seemed to take it good stride. He was like,"What? You're crazy, that one is great. But I'm in the band, of course I like it" so..
I went back in and found Randy near the front, and was fixing to get my CD signed by him when this girl walked by and said "Do either of you want this? I'm fixing to leave" and hands me an almost full bottle of Bud. And I was like "What do I do with this..?" and Randy goes "Drink it" and I'm like "But I don't like beer >.>" and he told meto drink it anyway. I'm a fruity/mixed drink kinda person lol. Anwyay, got my signature and pic. Then I saw Joey. Got him to sign my CD, but it literally took the whole night to get my pic lol. It's okay, it was his birthday. so eople were all buying him drinks and he was quickly getting drunk. It was funny tho haha. And got my pic with the drummer guy and signature. But Idk if that was Kris or yet another new drummer >.> Someone from the band should let me know.....
After I got all the signatures taken care of, I was trying to find Ronnie because I needed to ask him something, so I decided I'd ask Staci but I wound up following her out to the trailer (which I felt weird until she was like "Cari, don't drag ass! Get up here!" so.. anyway, I got a shirt from her. The one I had had my eyes on the whole night =) So I asked her where Ronnie was and she said he was probably out front signing autographs or something, and if I wanted to hang out for awhile, that'd be fine. So I went back in with her and I wound up leaning against the bar by Joey and Randy, and I was like "So, sir, what's up?" to Joey and he said he was good or something. And I jokingly said "Someone would buy me a shot" and he handed me this shot of something he had and told me to drink and I was like"What is it..?" and he was like"I have no idea *laughs* Excuse me, I gotta go take a piss" and I was like "ok" and I poked Randy and I was like "Randy.. do you know what this is?" and he was like "Um.. that's probably whiskey" and I was like "O.o whiskey??" and he said "yea. drink it" and I was like"but.. we had this conversation, I'm a fruity/mixed drink kinda person" and he said "Down it anyway" and Staci was standing nearby and told me to down it too so I was like"Ok, but you guys cant make fun of me. I make weird faces when I drink strong stuff" and I downed it..... And 2 seconds later had to walk away like "Oh my god!" my mouth, and throat were burning. and my whole chest was on fire. I almsot felt like I was gonna puke on the way back to the bar. and I was like"Oh my god, that was like the most awful thing I've ever put in my mouth =0" then it started messing with me. like, I'd feel fine, then I'd feel tipsy, then I'd be fine again. Then I'd lose focus. Then be fine. And I told Randy,"Dude, that whiskey's fucking with me" and he laughed. Tehn I saw Joey, so I went to him and told him he gave whiskey and it was messing with me.
We got back to the other side and I asked Joey if he knew how to spell my name, and he was like thinking about it, and I said "you'll never be able to guess, no one ever can" and he said "Do you know how to spell my name?" and I was like "J O E Y?" and he said,"that's the short version, can you spell the long one" and I was like,"What, Joseph?" and spelled it. then I said "Mine is C A R I" and he was like ,"But is that short for something?" I was like "sorta, I have two first names" and he said "and those are?" and I was like "Cari and Lynn. CariLynn" and I told I had a legal nickname too. and he said "What does your birth certificate saY?" so I told him. then I was like "What does -your- birth certificate say, sir?" and he told me, and I was like"Ah, that's awesome. I like your name"
Then I finally managed to get my pic with Joey.. Which took like four tries xD I told Joey that we can't make a habit of this lol Then Ronnie came out and he was rounding everyone up. And I wound up following him out the back door(still felt weird but I couldn't get his attention) and finnaly, when we got the back door, I stopped and I was like "Ronnie..?" and he finally heard me, and stopped and came over to me and was like "Yea?" and I told him I'd been trying to find him cuz I had to ask him something but it was time to go, but I told him I'd make it quick. And I was telling him about how he's a huge inspiration to me, not just muscally but other stuff as well, like I've already tlaked to him about before, via messages on the Alliance. I asked him if he remembered that, and he said "Yea, of course I remember" which made me smile. Then I told him that I write songs because me and a couple friends are wanting to start a band together. And that it would be really awesome if he could look at my song lyrics. And he said "Yea, thats' no problem. I haven't properly logged into the Alliance and checked my messages in awhile, so I'm realy behind. But yea, just send me a message. I'll take a look at em for you" and I was like,"Tjhats awesome, thanks so much =)" then I went in and said bye to others and I lleft.
Got home about 0430ish haha it was freaking awesome tho =)
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Started by JennX in Uncategorized. Last reply by Tim Dill-Peterson Mar 25, 2019.
Started by Megan (34,725 miles for RJA) in Uncategorized. Last reply by rjasnumberonefan Jul 3, 2014.
Started by Kelly in Uncategorized. Last reply by GothicBoy☣ Jan 17, 2016.
Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe in Sample Title. Last reply by Crystal Ascunce Dec 14, 2015.
Started by Gilberto The Creator in Uncategorized. Last reply by Gilberto The Creator Mar 7, 2014.
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