You never realize what fighting for your life means, until you have to do it. I fight everyday just to keep my eyes open. We have a hard time ignoring pain that we are given threw out life. Everyone has a deadly secret the no one knows, not even our closest friends. Things happen that, in the end we say we're okay about. but in the end some odd months or years we find ourselves holding on to it. We cry and we get angered about the fault, thats when i see we fight for our lives the most. I don't mean literally our life, but more along the sanity that keeps us here. As a human we never come to term with anything in actuality, we walk away from a fight only for it to kill us on the inside out. I wake up in the middle of the night and get upset because i realize what, why i did wrong, and there's no one possible for me to make it any better. But the actions that we take, the decisions we make, are what make us today, at this very moment. And I've realized, that in the end, even though i'm fighting to keep myself sane, in the end those moments of wrong, make me me. And That I can't change for the person next to me, and only him. I have to change for myself cause in actuality, you can't let go of these problems, you can't be truly happy until you've let go off all your mistakes and take the consiquences. Cause those consiqences are what make who we are, and in the end you win the fight.

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