Finally. We made it.

When I started touring with the band a few years ago, I was so focused on the first release and everything that swirled around it I was swept away and left distracted by every direction but the future. Now that "Lonely Road" is available I can feel the tide start to rise again; only this time I'm ready to ride the wave.

Although I am thankful to be in our hometown for this epic milestone in our lives, I can't help but take a moment to appreciate all of the other fans in cities scattered about the globe that showed their support by coming out to the seemingly endless trail of concert dates The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus has performed. It is the touring experience after all that has made my job and lifestyle so incredibly refreshing and challenging. For this I thank you, and elaborate in show of my appreciation:

I remember so many faces - and have probably forgotten all too many - seen only in the dimmed house lights of the dive bars and grungy theaters where The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus has played shows. The friends I've made on tour hold a special place among the others, offering encouraging smiles paired with the simple comfort of familiarity and recognition. As much as I enjoy meeting new fans at each show the people who make an effort to attend every time we come through their town (and sometimes travel for hundreds of miles to follow a whole tour!) have become an extended part of our band and crew touring family. These guys, many of whom are avid visitors of The Alliance website, have made our career so much more rewarding than any general thanks could ever say.

As we continue to travel the world and spread a message of faith and love, it is the growing of The RJA family that I look most forward to. I am eternally grateful to my husband, Ronnie for being a vessel that carries the light of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Ronnie has a presence on stage that intensifies His light and His word, and he has influenced me daily to be a better person as I'm sure he has others who remain unnamed from the countless crowds that have gathered for these concerts; gatherings which in a sense are revivals for everyday people struggling with the infinite pressures of life in general. I'm happy to be a part of that release and I feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of each night when I know that everyone was able to put their woes on the back burner for a couple of hours to fully enjoy themselves and to hopefully have gained some insight on how to deal with the sometimes unsettling situations we all will inevitably encounter.

"Don't You Fake It" was more than just an a handful of b-sides and radio friendly songs. I can't even begin to describe the reaction from most who've heard it. Suffice to say it's proven through their individual testament that the lyrics to RJA songs inspire hope for change in love, life and mentality. Just knowing that there are others who understand and care about how we all feel is uplifting in its own right - a feeling anyone singing along at one of the band's concerts has surely shared with the many who surrounded them.

Basically, I wanted to say thanks for all the good times and for helping us through the not so good times with all of your support. You all contribute to our moods and decisions and success or failure more than you know; but we wouldn't have it any other way. May God bless you all.

Oh, yeah. And if you thought "Don't You Fake It" was good, well... there's plenty more where that came from.

Staci Winter

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Comment by xent on March 29, 2009 at 10:11am
thats true..expect anything better for the band...
Comment by Tisha on March 25, 2009 at 1:51pm
I'm climbing out of my extended MIA period. Slowly but surely. I miss you, but...I WILL see you again one of these days. Always sending love and good thoughts your way.
Comment by SARA [aka] Cootizzle on March 1, 2009 at 1:26am
I love when you write. Please do it more.
Comment by Nick ☮ on February 16, 2009 at 1:23pm
Awww, Staci, that was amazing. I wish I could write like that. The best part about it is that I can tell it's coming straight from your heart; you guys are the real deal. It's so refreshing and wonderful to know that team RJA cares just as much about their fans as their fans care about them--if not more. You and Ronnie and Duke mean the world to me, thanks for being such a Light for God. You guys have a peace about you that I know without a doubt is linked to your Salvation.
Follow the Light,
P.S. hope you n' Ronnie liked my book! :) More RJA paraphernalia to come in the sequel! ;)
Comment by hotrodjess on February 12, 2009 at 9:06pm
you have such a way with words staci. i love reading your blogs.

as much as i am thankful for rja and what these boys men have brought to my life, i am just as thankful for you because i realize that without you supporting your husband rja probably wouldnt be here today

Comment by Samantha-Lynn on February 9, 2009 at 11:26am
lol I agree with Meghan! Your such a fantastic writer!!
But yea, Hope you have fun on the tour and cant wait to meet you in Torontoo! :D








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5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

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Lets play a game 418 Replies

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Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

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