my first blog...probably going to be random...but here goes it

So everyone has a blog and I'm a little jealous haha.
But not much is going on with me. Basically all I do is work in the salon, come home tired, sleep, go to work, sleep and then back in the salon haha. Its a little hard but that what I got to do if i dont want to take out loans and save up money. Speakng of saving up money, I'm so excited! On May 10th I'm heading over to Spain for three weeks. Its going to be great. I've never bee. I plan on taking loads of pictures and buying tons of stuff. And I cant wait to see my grandparents aswell. I havent seen them since last summer when they came to Canada :D
Oh speaking I officially started shopping for spain...I bought shoessss!!!!! haha Sorry, the simpelest things thrill me now because I never get to spend money cause it all always goes to school.
Anyways, at this point its starting to sound stupid and awkward cause I dont know what to say and Im talking about how happy I am to get shoes lol. Have a good one :)

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Comment by LOLO on April 17, 2008 at 10:47pm
aww samm.. ur going to spain.thats sooo exciting. i wish!! well have fun excited for u :D i dont have a blog either but im scared that it might sound too boring or too random lol!!
love ya girlie








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