It's about who you want to be, who you want to be with, and who you want your children to be like or have to grow up around. Go to this link to find out what I'm talking about.

About the title of this post: Until the day you die, you have a choice. If you have the slightest inclination that what you're doing may be wrong, explore that. Dig for the truth. Never stop digging. Only the truth can set you free. And, yeah, those who have trouble distinguishing right from wrong in every day types of scenarios are, in a way trapped, and in need of obtaining a new kind of freedom. And the only way to obtain it is to embark on an a genuine, self-motivated, independant quest for the truth, which can, a lot of it, as you begin to discover it, be unpleasant, and pretty discouraging. However, as they say in boot camp, at that time, you need to "woman up", or "man up", and deal with it. If you have to, then go ahead and cry yourself a river, build a bridge, and get over it. Then move on. Life always goes on. That's the single most powerful message any woman can hope to comprehend. The most powerful force in all the world is our commission: Life. Go to this link to find out what I'm talking about. The way I see it is this: You have one life to live. Why waste it on yourself when you don't even know if you'll be here tomorrow? Find your pupose, your battle, your place in this life, and invent and perfect your own personal way to rock this planet for the benifit of human kind.

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Comment by Alex on December 20, 2007 at 1:15pm
Whoa. That was great.
Comment by sammiis16 on December 15, 2007 at 12:16am
i have found out alot of things about myself that have made me live for the moment , and also afraid what tomorrow will bring . i am always afraid to make any decision , because i want it to benifit myself and evryone around me ... i dont want to be hurt ot hurt any one ... life is so short lived and you really dont know how long it will be ... so live for the moment , and tell those you love you love them every chance you get , you may not get another .... :) .. i know i was a happier person living day by day ... i am ... and i will remain that way ... people lean on eachother for strength , and guidence , and it really helps wehn you have that one true freind who is always there to help you .
Comment by The Destroyer of Societies on December 14, 2007 at 8:53pm
i know exactly what you mean. cataclysmic things happen, and we're left with a paradygm shift as our only option.
Comment by Stacy on December 10, 2007 at 6:19pm
don't get me wrong i'm not happy that my besti died...i hope you know what i mean =S

Comment by Stacy on December 10, 2007 at 6:18pm
wow. thats amazing. i know what you mean. i've been living my life like that ever since 10/14/07,
(lost my best friend in a car crash),
and frankly i've been much happier than i have been. And its true. You always have a choice.









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