Cancel the thought. do it with wisdom.
God works in ways that are completely out of my mind. in ways that stretch beyond any thought you might think. YEt its SO RIGHT IN UR FACE.
access of all love all around. u just grab onto it., its all in perfect measurement. grab onto it and give more.
u use ur positive thoughts and your highest self then you use other pieces--world on this plane.
i love that everyone can come together in gods name or in his qualities.
god is always constant
do everything with love.
im just livin in love. in god at all times.
do what u want to do. be what youd like to be
be/do whatever u gotta to get there.
teach themes-themed living. imagine how many(immeasurable) different wonderful examples(thats imaginable) you could get from people that join.
so, fill in that angst, with GOD
thats that.
stay interlocked with god and wonderful deeds that ppl do in gods name with gods qualities.
ha-i can see everything. so dont try to hide. so u can too, hide anything.
i have somthing to be inspired by-life on this plane(ALL life on this plane)
walk aroudn like u own it, u enjoy and believ in it so much.
everything is perfect.
dance aroudn with us and rythm.
youve been. already.
with every single thing you do(feel passionate about--every single thing in ur life you have beings there with you-communitcating with you, and guiding you. theyll give u clues, messages. be aware of the negatives. be clear. in ur dreams, restaurants, meetings.
keep us shining with ur enthusiasm, embrace us with ur intelligence. speak seriously with us too.
just live what you know and you wont have any problems then.
but we are all connected. stand up with us and we will lead you.
you are influenced by so many other influences but me. stay sane and intact.
start looking for us. we are everywhere
M-Stands for somthing.
keep at it.
challenge urself to represetn jesus.
a drop of rythm makes a rythm of dancing.
of course we know that it is doing harm. but at that time we cant bounce free. sure we say we cant or we have to have a push from someone like me to steer the way.
yes!(above and beyond what yes contains) thanks to the lord jesus.
im delt love.
sing with ur soul.
can you spell yourself out ? no. so why try with ur life/soul.
"much of it-the sublime truths, are never actually put on paper or even spoken."----book dont know the name yo.
reach for the stars.
the ego has no foot to stand on (no reason) to say life is good, so it says life sucks.(i thnk thats from a course, iddk ....)
to realize that you can have every single ounce of love,. you dont have to hate fear or section off url ife to variations of hate/fear. youve got to see this fully. do not be impartial to that sounds quoted.....
have no fear
give it ur all /yourself
you have perfect peace
do not judge one environment. go into it all with teh same humble eyes, peace. dont judge a location.
energy-movement to ur benefit.
listen to your love.
dont just jump at it, jump at it with vigor.
ur not gonna let someone down except urself pushing urself over the edge......and even that ill jr.
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