Hows everyone doing? You good?


There is another kind of love in the body. Love for impatience and intolerance.

There are different levels (blocks think of the cingular signal tower...or of different height blocks and variations of these...that you are on, that you are...that you can associate with. You want your highest self...which block do you stand on..associate with, live on/with.

Mesh spiritual and physical so you are a spiritual being living with physical body/TOOL (with ur unique talents.)

You can see if something hurts or feels wrong to you. you can see the scratch(say you get scratched on ur arm) and know its not right(to you). send Gods love to it, put urself at peace with it and move on.

God is in you and me so its ur conscious God like decision to move on.

I HAVE ------now present and forever a life with God. I see WHOLLY now. I aksed God the other day, "well why cant i just see that way?"and He showed me. id hit a rock of despair and blatantly asked Him /Her this. He/She showed me through His/Her eyes an absolute and incredible way to look and thats how I will live from now and on. See now that once you look with a slight close mind-slight closed-one way (channel, one lane way are you blocking ur true authentic self. See with Gods eyes WHOLE.

caring, compassionate, loving.

WHOLE WHOLE WHOLE He opened up the entire sky to me- the sky was extra illuminated.SAW THE ENTIRE PLACE IU WAS AT AS I SHOULD. by seeing its whole entire beauty of it. i went on to experience that as much as i could, i am now trying to make it my mission to always see through those eyes. in that way. see everything that way. but i literally asked god and experienced that light time, i was walking behind loyola, there were many apartments and many blank walk way, no one around. i had seen thru his/her eyes before in the am(thats in another blog). and there wasnt a bright sky because it was early it was gray. but i felt the same sensation yet for som e reason it was sectioned off more. or maybe it was the street i was on, there was a busy road next to me and i didnt really pull that in. so i percieved it. there werent really any cars, i think its because i was only looking down the sidewalk...thats it i was only looking down the sidewalk, but i had stationed my brain to view only the wonderfulness of it. and that includes the gravel or the weed. basically you see it all, its magnificant.i now know to completely open my sight and self up-feel up-alll-see each persons goodness-recognize not judge. whole earth, every breathing and pulsating things's wholeness beautty and connection to me.ness. its yours to hold or look at. its another magnificant tool. but see we have the ability to use this every day with our minds and grow. ...!!!! my body walks with emphasis. each step i want to walk it. im excited to walk it. i do have to mention the eyes. my eyes are open and clear.

its the most exciting way to live!!

I loved too when i was on the train and i was putting my book away and looked down and knew that i was looking and feeling thru the eyes ive had for 23+ years.

When you can convert this wholeness of god-the divinity power- that i mentioned before into one positive thing(but i mean have reverence for all too)..but say to an art piece or to a new project or sport or job AND MOVE WITH IT WITH YOUR TRUE HEART WITH GOOOD INTENTIONS WITH UR HEART AND EXCEL IN IT TRULY you are using gods energy in the way it is supposed to be.

Life is now complete. I see thru different eyes, hear thru ears of gold, speak with fluidity. i am gods womean. my body/brain and soul are aligend . it feels Great, BETTER THEN ANYTHING EVER!!!!! its me, its not a surreal life episode-its me and i love me. its like i am a different person. its really like my inner soul is out and about.... u live it and feel it thats the THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS i hear so much about.

an exercise.: pull out those qualities with a string. do not live with them. just take them out and move on. (qualities you dont like..)

its like a plug. plug urself in every day. inro fos. god is my source of energy my light source my source. thats how i get in thune. i also love it when it is natural and god is flowing without the plug in.

its pre destiny not go to that destination.-destined to be, reaching destiny.

use it more and more and it becomes you.

no measurement of any kind-release!!

all things of god beauty, love wisdom should be happening to you.
also when i was on the train i thought--about the outdoors, from what i looked at, everythings frosted/sugar coated/coated with remnants of gray with snow. pale compared to the bloom. a subtle compared to noon. keep subtlness in you just as much.

i want to stress to you all that i wrote some of this stuff on different days. the parts about the seeing everything as whole is my most inspiring occurence ive had thus far. i pretty much have a way to view life, that was given to me, that i am now going to live from now on. its pretty much the most exhilarating way to live that you could ever imagine. you can live this way to. anyone can. thats the beauty of it.

you read the blocks and scratch stuff, that is a real explanation of living on this plane that is real graspable. i like how it came to me, so great.

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