Why are famous people always found dead naked?

Why are famous people always found dead naked?

I honestly mean this with no disrespect, whatsoever. (I'm neither for nor against celebrity, nudity, and/or death.)

It just seems like a strange similarity. Marilyn Monroe, Sid Vicious, and now Heath Ledger...

That definitely caught me off guard today as my Yahoo! homepage came up with the news. I didn't realize he was that young. Only 28, as I'm sure everyone's read at this point. With a young daughter, too. Am I speculating whether or not he committed suicide? Absolutely not. I have no idea, nor do I intend to make any such claims. He was a pretty great actor, from what I've seen, especially given his age and experience. (Although, I admit, I fell asleep during Brokeback Mountain.) He will undoubtedly be missed.

Anyway, back to my original point.
Why are famous people always found dead naked? I brought this up with my friend earlier today (as it's now 3:30am), and he brought up a good point...(and I quote) "When you are famous and that good-looking, you would want to be naked all the time, too," which is quite possible, I suppose. I have never been famous and my attractiveness is arguable, but right now, it's not hard work to fight the urge to strip down. Should the tides change, I'll be the first to let you know. (Actually, the tabloids probably would be, but that's beside the point.) Given this "famous-naked all the time" thing anyway, though, it's only natural that such a person would be naked when his/her time of death comes about, as he/she is naked anyway...
Another (or one if you're counting, since the last one wasn't really "mine") possible answer I've come up with would be in the case of suicide(s). Again, I'm not speculating, but being naked could fulfill a potential and (arguably) "natural" desire to leave this world as you came into it.
In the case of an untimely, purposely-caused death, it could possibly be a third party removing the clothing of the celebrity postmortem (or shortly beforehand, I guess, in instance of rape (again, I'm not speculating)).

Anyway, I just found it an intriguing similarity...especially in my insomniactic brain-ramblings. (I know insomniactic isn't a real word, but it seemed to fit.

P.S. Rest in peace, Marilyn, Sid, Heath, and every other famous person found dead naked I failed to mention. Say, "Hi" to my mommy for me.

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