And, well, I love to share my lyrics with my peers. So, if you wouldn't mind, read away. Let me know how it is. =)

It's called Sweet Dreams (You & Me)

Sweet dreams, girl, I say to you You tell me to have them too
But I know what I'll be dreaming
Night by night it leaves me gleaming

Go with me into my dreams Where everything it always seems
So perfect there when I'm with you
And only you can make it true

You and me and you will see Together we would be happy
You know this, I know you know
But you tell me you can't go

Girl take my hand, you've got my heart And with that comes my every part
So hold me close, don't throw away
Everything you've gained today
Girl you know these words are true
You have to know, I know you do
Hold me close, give me your heart
Give me, girl, your every part

Make it true, I will for you Everything you've wanted to
Gain from love, I have it all
But you have to jump to fall

Fall in love with me, you will And I promise to fulfill
Everything a man can swear
Girl, for you, I'm always there

You and me and you will see Together we would be happy
You know this, I know you know
But you tell me you can't go

Girl take my hand, you've got my heart And with that comes my every part
So hold me close, don't throw away
Everything you've gained today

Girl you know these words are true You have to know, I know you do
Hold me close, give me your heart
Give me, girl, your every part

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Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

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