why is it that there are so many old ass pervs online???? a girl can't make a fucking profile on any site (other then this one) without some 48 year old man sending them messages about how hot they are and how they should meet up cause u need a real man...it's so stupid why would a 18 year old girl want and 48 year old perv hitting on them online trying to get them to meet up with em fuck that people are sick...then u have the ones that do meet up and the girl gets raped or molested....it's sick..i can't stand these sick fucks preying on young girls online...go to a fucking bar find the drunkest bitch and convence her that your the greatest man ever and get laid cause that's all u really want anyway....you have no idea how many messages i get on myspace, facebook, and faceparty from old fucks telling me to meet up with them and get to know then cause i need a real man and my boyfriend not a real man...it fucking pisses me off and once i get them to leave me alone i know they're going out there and doing the same to another girl....i think these people just need to get beaten with fucking dildos it's stupid why would u do that? better yet why would a girl fall for that? i'm tired of getting all these messages and i'm tired of them fucking with people's lives....sorry i had to vent .....
i agree with this whole-heartedly...ive had that problem myself on myspace facebook yahoo and hotmail...even myyearbook...its sick as hell...i even had dudes like that sendin me pics of themselves and asking me questions that they have no business askin...only one person ever apologized for sendin me a lude pic...but all the other fuckin pervs are just sick and twisted...i block and spam them evertime...hope they all get caught...would serve them right!
Ohh deng, sorry about sending you all those messages askin for your digits on myspace...i just think youre so pretty......
I'm not 48 btw....I'm 45. I'm not that old and perverted, right...??
Comment by Randy Winter on January 4, 2008 at 3:18am
there are a shit load of sick bastards out there... be sure to let me know if you see anything strange on this site. i'll delete there account and ban there email :)
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