So this Christmas I am pretty screwed. In fact, I haven't done any shopping yet, and I don't know where Santa is going to find a few extra dollars for Christmas. Everything has fallen apart.

Where to begin, I guess what started the string of bad luck. My 6 year old has a pony who has what is called laminitis, or founder. Not sure who reads this, and if you are familiar with horses, but founder is when the bone in the foot, the coffin bone, rotates. The racehorse Barbaro was put to sleep because of this. There are many causes, one is a disease called Cushings. In simple terms, Cushings is a tumor on the pituitary gland which is in the brain. So she has a brain tumor that causes her coat to be long, it causes founder, and it can cause a number of other things. So far, I am in debt $2000 for her.

Next, we were supposed to buy a house. Put down $1000 for a down payment. Lady we are buying the place from flips out and turns psycho, seriously crazy woman. Deal fell through, but now she is refusing to give us our down payment back. We are going through her broker, and will get an attorney if she still refuses. We won't get that back for a while, especially if we have to get a lawyer.

Is that bad enough? Oh no... I have to get shit on even more than that, come on now. Sometime between Sunday night and Monday morning, my boxer puppy tore his ACL. He was fine when I went to bed Sunday, and when I woke up and let him outside, he couldn't bear weight on his leg. Took him to the vet. $600 and 3 X-Rays later, he has a fever, which could mean an infection somewhere or Valley Fever, and his ACL is slightly torn. He has to have surgery, to the tune of $2000-$4000, depending on the significance of the tear. If he has Valley Fever, he can't have the surgery for 6-8 weeks, which could lead to more damage to the ligament.

I took my daughter to see Santa yesterday. I heard her telling him to give her toys to other kids, the only thing she wants for Christmas is her puppy to be healthy again. Of course we will go more into debt because of the puppy, we took him in. He is our responsibility, our family. I just want to know when will it end. I can only handle so much stress you know? They say God has a plan for everything, and everything happens for a reason. Well, why then does it always have to happen to me? When will I get a break?

Sorry for the rant. I doubt anyone will read it anyway. It's just nice to let it out. Hope everyone else has a great holiday.

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