Through our actions and feelings
(its really via our thoughts, then word, then action)
its us.God. in body putting it into play
its our body enacting it all.
So you feel something –its body time. Soul in play.
Truly that’s how we are made-to be power houses because we are soul in body.
God is all lite

Its through our bodies that our feelings emerge from
And its through our bodies(our self,soul) that we are brought to heaven in any and all ways!!

Rad walk feeling like I was so rad to have God around me and I was like an AWESOME RAD PERSON WALKING…is ME!!
I knew passion and God made me this person that was yes a body but a person that was truly truly exalted because I was KNOWINGLY so glad to except God and I was this person that was huge! Like a body but God ‘all around me’ or ‘covering’ and making me feel to rad to know him,. A person that had God all around me so that I wasn’t an old me, I was a power house of God

More about the whole piece… about how RAD you feel when God is ‘around you’ and then SO YOU ARE this rad feeling this feeling of , “OH! I feel and am so rad for knowing God (and being passion!).
I was being passion. I then walked and felt that I was uber so.
This feeling I then take wherever

*******So you are you and you like have an energy all (around you, cover u, is u fully really).. that is God, it then makes you so powerful, like you are this huge energy of God.love
you aren’t the jst body anymore, you are the body yes but you are God, so u r a ‘powerhouse’
you are for real God energy and so only the heavens r so

You at powerful times, standing tall.

You at any point u were SO! You defined.
(this surprisingly kinda merges with the “soul print” term the author guy named it)

Ahh! Each bloody second is

I am nothing without god

Life and I am this forever

Ah! This for rest of eternity means im capable(well am!!) of-this(any) forever

I seriously feel like I am the only thing alive as soul

We all are

Okay-for real just b in the lite with all u do
As you being bold person at that time(with whatever act you are doing), that’s what you want

Given me total knowledge to know that I am total power, capable(well Am) of anything because I am soul. Soul in body, that’s it! I AM HUGe capable, never backing down

It completely baffles me, stuff is going on and we don’t talk about.there for one another

So I feel that I along with all the air, am so this.all of this and that’s what I got. I am constantly all of this

This uber sensastion-ness-means you are capable of anything(terms to use more so: you are SET //SO to help out the world in positive ways-aka or to live as God.perfection in world, so the world is heaven.

Exalted by God!! Loving life!

They are only God .Love. that’s it

We are God.

I believe you gotta express it, then youll see more and more of heaven

One moment of eternal happiness

They are all the same soul. So u live as they

Inspired by words from mother Theresa book….bring to Christ means smile at other(smile yourself) , they get a smile(they smile) .they are in heaven

God is this whole life!

They know we are capable of incredible love

Its neat because I feel that I am nothing else but
Gods fire. Gods one

Im just secure. In thoughts
Of love/God
In me/as me

No ones gonna offer u anything but God
For real

This very instant

So whatever is destroying ur mind, don’t put it in there, no more

breakthrough of life is saying, “hey im not a part of the pack. And im so great as individual mind.”

Your mind has to be alert and at spot of –whatever you are doing-God in you-..in order for it to go like you want it to(with love)(really to go down the only successful way so that you will feel great about doing the acts)

Feel good about you=God

Its amazing how God(IN YOUR MIND AS YOU THINKING) then brings out in you all your coding that is love
Its amazing how God (AS YOU THINKING IT AND BRINGING ALL THIS) brings u the exact key !!!!!!!!!!


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