its life=heaven

and thats all there ever has been.
and love is all there ever

u r the soul

u are enough skill, willpower and soul(well soul is all of this. all words involved)

theres only one time!

its being in peace at all times.

dont time the time(moment). you are in it.

the only thing that is(and IN) now is the now.

theres a whole lotta hours in the day. a whole lotta heaven. ALL AT ONCE! PHEW LIFE ROCKS!!!!

infused by music, its not my body doin it, so why move by body in anything else. any other movement is ego.

i feel true-free-whole entire, clear. no angst, nothing. clear! its nothing to joke about, its purity . not just body its ur SOUL. soul moving the body.

love yourself wholly(and all you are) then u wont snap at someone for doing something that doesnt coincide with ur crazy.

an ideaaa. talk thru it all

you arent the ego. you cannot argue with, attend to , socialize,spit on, sit with, laugh on, taste it. cancel

when you know(in an event where u practice soulness. say art with another soul) souls align. u are only in the soul business. to align SOUls-only.

its you awoken. u really arent any other. awake.

trust in yourself to be yourself-the awoken self, peace self
just like you trust in that road you walk on to be there every day.

faith to move all

got love from all!

u cant live ur every second pouting! lol i guess i was..

its like you sayin u will just love me in body. *say u are all thinkin only in body! and thats a jiiiip!!!)(so you get it, dont just atach to body we are all soul). and speak to those also in soul . treat them like next to kin(like youuuuuu!!)

when soul is so much body and u feel u are soul IN body. (nice time :)

to add that it comes in different ways. many mnay many to feel soul. the one above was fabulous when walking. and tonite felt it as my core. oh man the list goes on and on. more will be listed later here.

be free!!!!! so be the soulllll not attached to body
but body is remarkable, no words to explain.

dont live those 'phenoms'

dont play urself as anything less or more.

feel like theres a 600 year old monk challenging me to the best life RIghT now.

so you eat or u think these constant ways(you think these repeating casual war thoughts-just repetitive thoughts thoughts!!) because you think its like a coping mechanism for who you are(or what you think). because its a deep cover for whatever. you lay it on. something (you) is under it!!!!!

stripped of my concentration ability

I am(and you) a mastered mind, so i can only focus on a few things(such as a dedication, a dedication to one art)(say one is concentrating on being you..well then that could go on to be a multifaceted rainbow of love) but yes. trust me on the few bit.

you cant swoop in and out like a game! this is life.

as time goes on, you train yourself on how to be unattached to any thing other then reality(you).

so our minds are kinda trained wouldnt you say. imagine if your mind was pre set with all of this. (a course in miracle is a great way..but LIFE IS YOUR BOOK. and the only way is really thru you....) but um imagine that. yay! all the ways set in ur mind like now-i think i meant now as in as i was writing,OH OKAY WELL THE ETERNAL NOW THAT IS ALWAYS HAPPENING> OMG OKAY SO IT IS ALREADY THIS WAYYYYYYY (IT IS) heaven.

if everything is happening now see, and that is only love, then the only thing that even IS, is LOVE!!

all the knowledge is inherently yours all the time

Theres a peace that i found is also me. a peace niceness

this is from the movie "Hook" with robin williams, "All you need is one happy thought to make you fly."
that line came scenes after the first one which is, "you peter pan, fly fly. think happy thoughts."

same soul-we are all on soul to soul level. . see as only soul communication/interaction/involvement/is-ness. thats life. so this is basically a huge huge hugehuge huge bit that is so so so so so so normal and attainable and THE ONLY LIFE REALITY: that we are all the same soul. so imagine all souls are the color gray. well we are all the same color gray mass mashed together. we are all gray souls and so we are all the same GRAY SOUL SUBSTANCE. the same gray soul substance. one gray mass. when you experience this ONLY REALITY OF LIFE, it is remarkable. makes sense ah.

Love is me. gave me me. i am then!!!!


this is who you are

the only way is to BE ALL THE TIME
the only way is to be involved ALL THE TIME.

( i have to have to add YAYYYYYYYY At this lovely time that... life is when you dont have to think and you are just the way of life all the lovely time all the time and this becomes.molds(well is, im just using becomes and molds as an illustration, but it really is who you r) well really is who you are.
AH THIS IS KEY oh!!!!!!!
you see this is kind of like huge right now. the whole soul mass and this whole not thinking its just who you are all the time all the time, you dont really do anything its ur being.

you-every SINGLE thing you do--SO IT IS BEING THEN.. THIS ONE WAY. poof! "tranquility"-a word somewat applicable

When you dont have to try or anything, because it is who you are all the time.

ok i know you have to notice this right. ok, love.

im going to also type up just what i then experienced. just a beautiful feeling.visions, relatable to my mind but frm of course. My mind see couldnt really create that brilliance on its own. well now that i think about it, i did create it to occur. if i hadnt been willing, it wouldnt have created.
and love and i(you) are ONE.

complete souls are all connected(AND I KNOW THIS) (by communion with others) you are the same. in body see, but NOT!!!!! you are like the same gray material. you are the same consistency-like one gray "body."

I am it again(the ignited heaven) and sinceu are one with the physical "soulness:*well its nt really physical* of not humans, then it ignites. what is the it im talking about? well life. the land, every bleeding thing u see ignites. every molecule becomes like 3 dimensional, u can feel it (kind of bounce feeling, but not really). every molecule moves. dances mayb(but not really) enlightens up-AWAKES!!!!!!!

like everything u see is literally vibrating. or vibrant jumps.
(at this point i dont want to just say its this way, because Love has a way of communicating the AWAKENING OF ALL say maybe by lighting).

as far as me sitting here typing. it all comes down to, you see with ur true eyes. so all is clear.

Then this:

and i wish mayb i would have wrote more of a description there, but see i am experiencing life when this all occurs. and it is becoming so WHOLLY TRUE AND EASY TO RELATE TO-awoken 10-15-08 so i can add on later to elaborate.
so its life is life. all that is, (whole of everthing) is life. so this is just plain jane. ah okay i got it back. so what its not like you have a fifty page novel to write about life. because life is simply life. all is all.
its so utterly simple.


living in the moment, not one milisecond b4 or after.
ah! its life! so happy

get over awkwardness and show how to communicate

feel good now

( i have to add here that when u are alive it comes obviously in the moment. i create the moment, so my moments vary and are delightful in their variations)

i am truly myself. truly myself. like i feel myself.normal, no stress, normal. (i remember writing this and couldnt get words for it)(it is experience as well as total knowing and understanding that this is real and you)

stop trying to be someone else or something. (in this case relax) BUUUUT ALWAYS AWOKEN ACTIVE self.

single bleeding essence.


awoke and slapped to the floor on knees in awe."reverence"

you-every SINGLE thing you do--SO IT IS BEING THEN.. THIS ONE WAY. poof! "tranquility"-a word somewat applicable

When you dont have to try or anything, because it is who you are all the time.

be awake all the time. use resources


no wishy washy!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL IS.

you dont need a crazy explanation because your are the same thing. miraculous! so be there. (example, hm meaning that this life with ur bro is life so use it as life, be there)

all Right Here

inspired by art-to boost

inspired by book-so my thoughts about it come up front

be best u can. so b alert and be ways that promote the best. so basically going back to -you dont do anything you are just being it. so i would be this by studying topics on this.(being alert) i would naturally want to do so because it is NOW my BEING.

so in line with routine. ease
work with the
so in reality you are

takes a lotta love.universe to be this way.
but love.universe gives endless supply !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is so fabulous

(insert all the greatness-meaning insert anything that made u go ah for that instant. anything. for me ill give examples, putting my arm a certain way, or seeing a duck on water and noticing how it was-i have a delightful explanation of the duck!!!!!!). thats me. existence. (same thing). all the time, know it inherently.
rest assured, the clouds are always white and the sky blue.

no guilt, elation always.

feel it! its life! reality of life with ur brother. its like concrete.

when you feel your "soul", ur "soul" is all you are.

its just a sign, or just a banner. nothing (do remember tho the vibration when all awakens, the sign and the banner will come to life too)

everyone has the ability to be this, so everyone is pefect magnificance. (or the "gem" word you pick. goes beyond a word , entire brilliance/magnificance)

i love Love.universe with all my heart, and since we are all Love.universe then i love you all the same!

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