OMG BLOG # 2 in like 10 minutes!!!!

so anyways i was just tjinking looking at photos i have and thye made me laugh. it was my first RJA show, march 30 2005 (im pretty sure it was 2005. or else it was 2006. but im pretty sure it was 2005) ANYWAYS ! yeah it was a great show, and i remember having hte chance to talk to you guys but my friend was gone, she fainted and got taken somewhere by security and i had to go find her. fun i guess. but it was a great show. i think that to date that was my favorite and i've been to about 7 shows so far since then. but yeah it was a good show. mind you all the other shows i went to were also AMAZING (Oct. 2007) BEST ONE EVERRRRRR only becasue the line up was the best :P security dancing to solja boy and killing with the other bands / monty are i i believe ate my candy's :( but i gave them to them. so my loss!! but yeah goooood show. p.s line up 14 + hrs :P gahhhh PLAY TORONTO AGAINNNNNNN i'll promise to be first in line again.

Okay i can go on FOREVER so im stoping now. gawdd... i'll never understand this site:P i love the other


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Comment by Larissa on October 20, 2008 at 9:38pm
ahha i draged my sister. we were in line from 9:30 in the morning:P first. we had to leave the line so the club could clean it :P it was a good show. i was happy the guys remembered me/ stacie too!! (thye got me access passess)) it was funny casue all the people working at the club knew who i was. so when i went back to meet up with stacie to get something from her the security was liek we know you you cant be here:P but i had a pass, so i won.


Toronto shows rock.
Comment by Samantha-Lynn on October 20, 2008 at 3:30pm
I agree to play toronto again!!! lol I was at the Oct 2007 was the first time i ever heard of them and I fell in love with the music...I had no idea who they where and my sister dragged me out to the concert and it was amazing!








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