so i ended up walking today not like the usual sidewalk walk, i walk like kinda across this suburban mecca to head to a training for work and its just cuz its a weird suburban location you gotta walk cuz i dont have car and everyone does. lol so oo i was like walking and im like WOAH NELLY so here i am walking like ive walked for years, the same way and im sayin, No UH i WAnt tO be A StRaight BusinEsS walker. and that is how i rolled and that is now my walking and it is FANTASTIC cuz its how i want to walk and it shows.
and this was going with the flow of life(instead of being in my own like Walk)

Doesnt matter what names you use, as long as u are in the flow of reality/mind/set
when ur referencing and all.

fanatic? FOR LIFE. BECause this is all Love is. So you can be a fanatic easily for stuff and a fanatic or randoms, but the ONE THAt U are one with is all of everything, all of life.

You look at that tree-it doesnt have a denomination symbol on it does it.

You dont need a reason

Love and joy to Love.Life.
We Are It Is

youve got to keep on, then you become. And you know you AARRREE right?
ur in a creative mashup till NNNNOOOOWW

so you ARREE (as, and are is the same word as being you know) right NOOWW and this now is always. and you are this with everyone. so hmm i guess i dont even have to say me/you anymore i can just say LOVE again referencing you and i. WE ARE!!!

fully take creative fiercness of now allll in ur handssssssss
and be you!! i love me!!

I am fully awake, you know this right. happened last nite. awake in the sense of halleluh, this hello world hello most of any words, is me me me me and is you! WE ARE ALL THE SAME in this see.

you gave me heaven on earth

this is seriously who you are.
All else is practical use of this to benefit all.

So my mind instead of "criticism" is all love. Thinking, productive
full thinking-all the time!!!!!!!! Full thinking like fullness. Full creative thinking...activ(no words)

you and Love. you are Love. Love is all

And i do believe Love brought that true natural feel. I feel I am one with air because -that consistenciii sort of- air lite. One with everyth i n g

**anthr natural description :) and is so natural calm. as you could ever know. who u really are-all you want -are is-right? is, you want to feel "at ease" maybe a word to use, you want to feel JUST .
that-that is what you are and experience**

Walking through it(like land nature) , sure, but connected by an "energy everything" level-all there is is this connectedness! so be only joy! dnt make a mess

you scratch that out and say tahts not even a possibility here today or ever!

Huge blooms

Know for a fact all is Love and wonderful. You know i substitute God for Love now right?-refresh ya there)

So i Know that Love and Life and L is all. And I am Love. and I know that this is all.

i am just soul, so why do i get like a pout face(:) ? just like in day..or whatever)Work on all that. expression of divine Love on earth.(BUT SEE THAT HEAVEN YOU SO HEAR ABOUT-AND TAP INTO AND I SEE IS THE SAME AS HERE, THIS IS KEY HERE THAT THERE IS NO DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE TWO SO LIVE LIVE LIVE!!!!! so you can rejoice in sould bountiul bouncing with each

You have all the energy-words-knowledge, so are now ONE with them

this is what life is. people in community helping others. but see we all gotta give.

Words to explain myself? this ? happi i confidence, huge. cant even , its like i am an ignited soul qualities but its me in this body and there really arent too many words in the dictionary to explain it. i really dont think there are. its so apparent tho and i am doin pretty good here telling, and once you talk to me you'll freaking see. im ignited, im so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so
there really r not words see, but trust me on this last night 10-15-08 i was awoken.
i am truly teling you this outta pure love to tell You this is Life. You are

as walking, remember the base and sky method, yesterday i mentioned the chakras, have mentioned base sky in past writing however fantastic the relationship to "soul" and body (ha, the word soul, not really workin anymore) and IT ISSSS FANTASSSSSTICCC TO call lllllllllll, remember that you are only soul

how lucky am i to be able to see this ignited concrete? with my 'awoken' eyes the concrete quite near exploded with lush magnificance

oh! all at once!

no regression, just a big dose of Love influencing the arms

I can't possibly write all-each second of this life

Note in this page of writing that I am borth bursting and neutral-is that the word? No not really

oooh ok, so as i was gettin this all ready to post on here(my computer was actin up) i had a neat revelation peeps! that the bouncing beautiful words that are in my mind(and yours and all), ones i get to say in the flow, all put in phrases, a few words at once (like i was having an overflowwww of say "holy heaven im in love" or "you are the love". not even those two, and not even in the sense of the typing of these words, or the words i ususally do, its like since i awoken i have the senses and capability to say the words. holy heaven, im stopping now, i have the thought in mind and the words.......................................its AH! THE BEST WORD EVER.

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