god and life are one. so the god light walks you. but see you can say life(instead of god), but wait hold up there is a GOD.

living in the true moment. the true moment. so you cant just sya, oh live in the moment so go to a concert and rock that night moment. its actually the moment is complete bliss. its like the moment whatever the H ur doin. its really incredible . its like the moment has LIFE GOD IN IT. its say, something i dont quite have the words for.

so all is one. life god you me, the whole entire world, all the positivity, all the energy its all one seeeeeeeeeeeeee!

so this a major breakthru:

oooooohh shnaaaaap this is life baby. the fact that you are a vessel kind of able to transmit all of this love, energy. that you go out of body to transmit to every pereson. this is why you cant say that you are set or trapped in a body. seeeeeeeee we extend. but see its so much more then a word-transcend awareness. of extend. its like you live outside of your body see, see the lord talks thru u like in ur veins and is with you all the time, talking and communicating aand just BEING THERE, how we areeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

see it is remarkable the transcended awareness .

its like you arent even a body.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its like you set up all of these great amazing qualities, actions(LOVE< CARE< GENEROUS..kindness, BEINGGGGGGGG...allllll outward) like all these qualities i listed(they are just words here....) but um they are all like extending out of you. see they are ALL YOU ARE. they are extended out like energy wise or something. this is the hugest reality yet. you are still in body and your body is enlightend enliven by this. so you area tool.



so Gods way is the only way. and you can say hey, the divine or you can say whatev name you want to call that PRESence. i dont mind, and she doesnt either. so THE DIVINES WAY IS THE ONLY WAY.

YOU CAN ONLY GO UP. this can mean in any sense of the way. just like the previous lines up ther. SEE YOU CAN ONLY GO UP.

see this moment and your life as see, your highest version of self right now!!! see it!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes when you are aligned with your highest version of self lookagesssss, all you see feel is highest versions of allllllllllllll.

there is no right or wrong



Great re-awakening.

what are you waiting for?

its easy to blame someone else.

what are you looking for? u already have it ALL. IN YOU!!

heres the thing-those things dont matter anymore-see you are only soul.

if (God)(Divine)(Life) is the only thing then there is nothing to be scared, afraid, worried, furious about.

I experienced it! away with preprogrammed self and YEAH only expansion of whole qualities.

People in awakened mind can stick-come together and create change.

I think we are at a medium stage of using our senses and emotions.

use your emotions-how you can!

dont wait another second to tell them you love them.

all bliss!! is in the air!!
ITS (God)(Divine)(Life) AIR. all the time. (God)(Divine)(Life) is in the air-see this! (God)(Divine)(Life) in the air all the timel. is the whole air. see its all in the air. LIFE. all in it all there is!

in relationships, soul communication, commitment.

its great to be all about your life. FOCUS into it. no negativity. but see you are them.

its so happy! exciting! all joy every 2nd! omg each-LIFE IS (GOD)(Divine)(Life)

send lil blessings to them. thats all there is.

so love happy. heaven. (God)(Divine)(Life)(Earth) love, all the time. people will see it. oh ok. share.

Yea so life is love LIFE is LOVE! (God)(Divine)(Life)! Each second of bliss, each. its nice. its just all there is. (God)(Divine)(Life) -YOU IN IT. feeling/good. feeling peace.

love yourself first. and love to alll.



the second you think about material (poof you are gone-in magic terms) or (you are out of sync-THIS IS REAL. THIS IS REALISM. i am a realist

seeing other inspired, most incredible thing. you see it in them!!!!!

what i love about you is that ur heart will always stay the same.

see moment!! live in the moment

im so glad people have the same issues as me. TEACHING-you dont want to learn the nothing!!


nothing matters excpept love. we are all love. all other thoughts are illusions.

anybody who blox beauty , blox their wholeness, truth, way, existence, (being)--are you?

you can say no! (God)(Divine)(Life) will make you ever more capable of this

SHARED-THAT IS (God)(Divine)(Life). WITH OTHER. THIS IS ENTIRE (God)(Divine)(Life). Share, see this. Elation. (God)(Divine)(Life) Most.


We are all one soul. we are all one. we are all one. seriously, you ache, they do. and your happiness is rheres, so we are all one! you are them and ur happiness and wholeness is also what they are.

love-(God)(Divine)(Life) feeling is the same for everyone

peace. it can be called love, tranquility.

(God)(Divine)(Life) talks all the time

Im here to tell you that ur true self has nothing to do with body.

see them as they really are! soul

stay steadfast

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