I know they have nothing to do with Red Jumpsuit Apparatus at all but yesterday i got The Black Parade Is Dead and my opinion is that its very boring if i wanted to see them play concerts i would have gone to one of their shows, which i did and it was very good and lots of fun. But the DVD was shit and they good have made it alot better than they did. and the black parade isn't dead because when they tour again they will have to play the black parade album, so the black parade is not dead! their costume and make-up maybe but they still have to sing that album when their next tour is, personally they are becoming sell outs these days, ever since the more fans thing. If they were really fans they would not just love their looks they would love their music and how talented they are, and the fact that they save lives! they aren't only their for your enjoyment of looking at them and becoming a teeny booper fan! It just annoys me to think how much My Chem has changed over the years they were alot better on Revenge and Bullets than they have been, and as for those new songs they suck i don't see how they are going back to the way they were before the Black Parade, they have just lost a fan.

People don't waste your money on buying The black Parade Is Dead! its not worth the money and the time of watching it.

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Comment by amo on July 15, 2008 at 7:48pm
i dont have tbp is dead i thought it would be good even if it isnt i still like them but yeah its true they have changed a lot.


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