since I received Red Jumpsuit's demo cd. I was sitting in my car in a line of traffic leaving a Fall Out Boy concert... and one of the guys (it happened so fast I dont even remember who it was) ran up to my car, knocked on the window and handed me and my 2 friends the cd's. We were all kinda thrown off by it and made a "huh" face when we read the name: The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. No clue what it meant, but the 1st song on the cd caught our attention... Ass Shaker (which is now called "In Fate's Hands"). We decided to give it a listen... I was completely sold on it. My friends thought there was too much screaming but I found it to be perfect!
A number of Warped Tour shows w/ lots of candy necklaces & candy fights with Elias, and small venues... Fast forward to today... I've now seen the RJA boys over 20 times and in over 5 states. I've also been lucky enough to be able to call some of them friends. I recently ran into Jon in New York City (random considering we both live in FL) at my friends show, Farewell and Powerspace. When I walked by him, of course I recognized him... but it took him a second. He realized who I was, grabbed my arm and attacked me with a hug. Small talk led to a bunch of girls going crazy. Jon invited me to Angels and Kings with him (which is owned by Pete Wentz). Kinda funny since FOB is what brought us together.
A month later, I'm guest listed to the acoustic show with my friends Between the Trees who were opening for RJA. Once again, attacked by hugs from Jon, a few "hey, don't I know you?" comments from the other guys and Staci and I bonding over animals. I met Casey, their tour manager. Nicest guy ever!! I got the hook up for a photo gig because of him!
One month after this, I'm on stage for RJA's Bamboozle performance and got some great shots. It was amazing to see them go from playing in small venues in Jacksonville and orlando, to playing for thousands of screaming fans at the Giants stadium in New Jersey!!

They are the most deserving people for this kind of success and I wish them nothing but happiness in the future. I know I'll be seeing them plenty of times after this, but it's been fun watching their journey. I hope some of you reading this will be asa lucky as I have been to experience some of this with these guys.

- Caitlin <33

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Comment by Caitlin on June 27, 2008 at 12:37am
Thanks for the stories = ] I enjoy hearing about everyone else's memories of the guys. I'm at so many shows, its not even funny. So if you ever see me at any, please say hi! I'll be at all 4 FL Warped Tour stops selling merch for 11:11 A.M. and Take Action as well as doing my photography. I'd love to see everyone!
& yes, I love how these guys bring people together. I've met some of the nicest people through the Alliance site.
I have a lot more pics of the guys on my photo myspace page. if you're interested.
Comment by rjasnumberonefan on June 26, 2008 at 12:12pm
Just commenting on Kara's comment. I'll have to dig up some old footage when I get the chance. It was from the acoustic benefit at Freebird for Katrina w/ Shinedown. We were in Orlando and didn't get back in town in time to buy a tix so we watched from outside of the window (before they covered it up). I soooo have footage of Tim randomly flashing me. That's how he got the name "Random Flasher". We didn't know his name for months. We still refer to him as that when telling stories of VV shows.
Comment by Kay on June 26, 2008 at 9:36am
im a goof i have seen them 8 times
Comment by Kay on June 26, 2008 at 9:06am
wow!!! I have been lucky enough to see them several times(only 6 but hey that's more than some and anything counts). Its funny cause my husband knows randy and he knows ronnie from back when he and his brother were in the band Dishonest. (going back to 2003 and or before). my hubby and his best friend tim went to school with randy, and ronnie but ronnie is a few years younger than they are. but if it weren't for tim, I may not even know who the band is. When they first came out and started playing, you couldn't even get tickets to their shows cause they would sell out before you would even know they were playing. now when they play a local show, I jump on the chance to go and support my "middleburg boys". I am so proud that they made it and have touched so many peoples life's with their music. there is not one song that i do not like. I can even remeber when i got their demo cd...i was like who is this! then my husband said this is ronnies new band. my first thought was they are hot!!! I love how they scream in their songs cause to me if you can scream it, that is saying a lot. that is something that is so powerful. their demo and debut album is a must have cd in my car at all times!! I get very angry now whenever i hear ppl say "oh they are sell outs, the music they play now is nothing like it was on their demo".....but that is not true. I love how they play music that is "REAL" based on something that they feel or an experience they have had or friends that they care about and love(seventeen ain't so sweet). i can say that its almost like their music changed opened a window to music and bands that i may not have ever listened to.

Love your blog and the pics you have taken of the boys. I hope that i get the pleasure of meeting you one day...soon. Isn't it funny how these small town middlebug boys have brought so many people together who might otherwise have never met? thank god for RJA!!!!!
Comment by rjasnumberonefan on June 23, 2008 at 12:34pm
Hi Caitlin :) I enjoyed reading your blog and wanted to say that I am one of the lucky who have experienced some of the above just as you have. I was at that FOB show (Freebird, right?) but I had my demo given to me at a Yellowcard concert at Plush. (Lucky for me, my co-worker had already hooked me up with their EP months earlier.)

Your photos are lovely. It is very rewarding to know that someone else shares that feeling of pride that comes from watching these boys go from Jackrabbits to Giants Stadium.

With 20 shows under your belt, I know I must have seen you, but I can't recall you from your pictures. Maybe we'll meet in the future at one of their shows. Look for me. Okay?








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Questions....=) 116 Replies

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5 words... a Red Jumpsuit story... 253 Replies

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Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

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