Sometimes I wonder...
Am I strong enough to stand on my feet
But I'm strong and you wonder why I stay
I grow stronger as the nights drift by like lingering stars
They shine bright down on me
Nights alone make me stronger
They hurt like hell, but the pain pushes me forward
And I've tried everything... I keep trying
But sometimes I wonder if this doesn't work will I be strong enough
Well now I'm standing on my feet, looking around at the… Continue
Added by Cassie on December 6, 2007 at 10:17pm —
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The rain has stopped and it's late now, you should be home from work soon
I can hear the cars go by the house
It's quiet and the little ceramic heater goes off and on every now and then
It's dark outside, and the porch light shines through the blinds
If you look out the window you see dark green tree's standing tall
And the wet spots on the wood of the porch are still soaked with this mornings rain
Added by Cassie on December 6, 2007 at 10:16pm —
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