Xent's Blog – July 2008 Archive (4)

..roNNie wiNTeR(a very very important ??)

..i haVe a very very very 2 important questions to ask regarding ronnie winter

this is an issue only,plz answer yes or no

1.does ronnie have a car accident??

2.does ronnie dead??in what cause??

+++pLz answer my questions...plz..plz..plz..this is an issue only....i like to confirm it if the issue is true..okay??


Added by xent on July 28, 2008 at 12:49am — 5 Comments

did u know??

...did u know that the last single of rja in their album ''don't you fake it'' is damn regret..i have known this because i have a red a songhits about them..

...huhuhu...im so lonely because it will be long to release their new album and song..huhuhu

Added by xent on July 27, 2008 at 11:18pm — 1 Comment

mY cLassmaTes haTes emo!!

...everytime they saw some emo things like empo hair,emo music..they say ayyy emo!!(it means that's emo)..they dont like that because they think all emos are too emotional and they suicide...my classmates thinks my girl classmates is an emo because of her bangs..but she offend it and she say no..but my classmates continue to bully her..actually more boys are hate emo in our room..this monday i brought my ipod in school and my boy classmates(which actually hates emo)came in and he ask what my… Continue

Added by xent on July 18, 2008 at 3:39am — No Comments

mY cLassmaTes haTes emo!!

...everytime they saw some emo things like empo hair,emo music..they say ayyy emo!!(it means that's emo)..they dont like that because they think all emos are too emotional and they suicide...my classmates thinks my girl classmates is an emo because of her bangs..but she offend it and she say no..but my classmates continue to bully her..actually more boys are hate emo in our room..this monday i brought my ipod in school and my boy classmates(which actually hates emo)came in and he ask what my… Continue

Added by xent on July 18, 2008 at 3:39am — No Comments


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Questions....=) 116 Replies

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Et tu, Brute? 8 Replies

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Hello! n_n 48 Replies

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