I GOT REALLY EXCITED WHEN I HERD THE SONG. YOU BETTAH BELIEVE THAT. i tore apart the opholstary on a chair in MY room. not my """brother's""" room. BEAUSE if you had ever been seeing my brothers room inside that one door... you would never believe IT!!!!!!!!!!!! it's just not believable, inbelievable!! so then but not right then, i had to do somethings first, like the garbage, so i put down the knife i was… Continue
I had nevr heard of this one band called """The Red Jump Suit Apparatus""" until this one day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and this day was a great amazin awesome best day!! i wasnt haveing a very good day until this one moment during taht dAY. and then i was SUPER SUPER SUPER amazing awesome happy!i went home and looked on this one site called """""Myspace"""" and i instant fell IN LOVELY with the face of """Elias""" and i tried to call """Myspace""" ferst. but these people dont know how to have phone… Continue
Added by Sarah<3 on July 18, 2009 at 8:55pm —
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