So theres this guy...and his name is Dan....and now I have mind problems from thinking of him too much :(
grr Daniel :(
Added by hAYden. on July 20, 2009 at 6:58pm —
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urghh i am so bored :(
and u?
Added by hAYden. on July 18, 2009 at 2:08pm —
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I've known of them since Don't You Fake It, but at that time I wasn't really interested in their type of music. So I just kind of ignored them.
Okay so then it's September 2008, and I was listening to the radio and "Face Down" comes on. I really liked the song, but they didn't mention the artist of the song.
So I kept my fingers crossed that they would play it again.
So I walked in the room a few days later and it was the very end of "Face Down" and the radio person said "And…
Added by hAYden. on July 17, 2009 at 2:09pm —
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I got a new ring today at Hot Topic for $10 :P
Just thought that you all should know...because it's so stinkin awesome!! It's black with gray stars. Here's the link if you ever feel like checking it out...
Added by hAYden. on July 16, 2009 at 8:14pm —
1 Comment
Yay!!! He tried out in Dallas, Texas this year for Season 9 of American Idol and guess what folks!! HE MADE IT TO HOLLYWOOD!!!
Let's get him far this season!!
~Your Guardian Angel
Added by hAYden. on July 8, 2009 at 10:54pm —
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IDK what it's called, but looks like some weird movie!! The comercial was CREEPY!!!! "Esther want's to start a fire" and then everyone was saying her name and she looked demented :0 *Shivers* ~Your Guardian Angel Hayden

Added by hAYden. on July 5, 2009 at 2:19pm —
Lindsey (KRIStina ALLEN) leaves for camp tomorrow and comes back on Wednesday :(
Shoot.......Bye Lindsey!! Have the time of your life!! And bring TONS of pictures for me!!!
Added by hAYden. on July 4, 2009 at 9:19pm —
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If you're into cover songs PLEASE check out Boyce Avenue!!
They are an amzing cover band. They turn everything they sing into rock/ acoustic rock.
Here are some of the songs they have covered...
How To Save A Life- The Fray
Better In Time- Leona Lewis
Bleeding Love- Leona Lewis
Never Too Late- Three Days Grace
Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)- Green Day
4 Minutes- Madonna & Justin Timberlake
One- U2
Closer- Neyo
Forever- Chris…
Added by hAYden. on July 4, 2009 at 5:55pm —
1 Comment
Happy Fourth of July everyone!!!
I hope you have a fun time and enjoy all of the AWESOME fireworks!!
Added by hAYden. on July 4, 2009 at 5:51pm —
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Haha I am very bored right now.
Yeah it's 4th of July! Yay! But my Daddy went away for business for the day and my Momma is sick :(
So I am here! Haha! Not much else to do. And I LOVE coming on the Alliance.
It's so much fun!
But the fun must end for now. Haha I have to go soon probably.
But I will be back :)
So TTYL for now people!
~Your Guardian Angel
Added by hAYden. on July 4, 2009 at 2:51pm —
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Like if you HAD to choose, and you can't be Kradam. Only one!
Added by hAYden. on July 2, 2009 at 8:11am —
Ummmm....well I'm going to Starbucks today!!
Any suggestions on what you think that I should get?
LOL!!!!:) It's been forever since I've been there...Like 4 years!!!
Added by hAYden. on July 2, 2009 at 7:15am —
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My BFF just joined the Alliance thanks to me, Hayden :)
Well yay!!!!
I'm kinda proud of myself :) I'm just happy I got my BFF to join!!!
Thanks to me she is now a Red Jumpsuit Apparatus fan.
I have been a fan for about a year now and have already created 2 new RJA fans and they both have accounts on here!!
You might to Lindsey aka KRIStina Allen........she just changed her name btw.
And now Sadie!! Yay!!!!!!!!!
I feel like a pretty good fan to the…
Added by hAYden. on July 2, 2009 at 7:11am —
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Yay!!! Today me and my BFF, Sadie (she's on the Alliance known as Jacob Fan <3 Yess we love twitlight) and her twin sister are going to the mall today!!!
Sadly when I meet them there we won't have much time, but we are DEFINITLEY going to Starkbucks together!!
I can not wait! Haha for some reason I couldn't sleep one minute last night and I'm actually
Okay so I'll probably wear skinny jeans & my Bon Jovi shirt with my awesome black converse!! Yay me!!!…
Added by hAYden. on July 2, 2009 at 7:08am —
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I begin to wonder what is my point from here?
I begin to wonder why was I matched to this point?
Why was I put here to do something?
Was it to make a change?
To stand against those who shall follow?
Was I put here to show everyone that you can create your own path?
I believe that one day the world will see that this is all so true.
Added by hAYden. on July 1, 2009 at 5:31pm —
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How To Save A Life by: The Fray
I mean seriously this song rocks!!
It can be for just about any situation.
It brings me to tears every time I listen to it.
In fact I'm listening to it right now.
Wow I'm gonna be a cry fest today because I can't stop listening to it!!!
"He will admit to everything or he'll say he's just not the same.
And you'll begin to wonder why did I come? Where did I go a wrong? I lost a friend somewhere along in the bitterness.…
Added by hAYden. on July 1, 2009 at 5:29pm —
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