Hi im melissa.my favorit coler is purple and pink.i could be nice and freindly most of the time.i like ppl that fool around alot.i love music a looooott!!i am in love with mohawks !!!!!i like to RIDE skatbords.i xtreamly hate i ♥ sounds of skatbords.i love long hair 2=].(HELP SAVE THE WORLD!)i love light!!!music is the world to me idk what i would do with out music!ummm i <3 gummy bears!rain is my new favorite thing ummm i HATE skool its boring and lame AND STUPID i want somethin now one knows about i am super sensative.mean comments or messeges r aculay funny 2 me.if u think my favorit coler is black ur wrong cause it aint i just like wearing it.rip nicky:[nicky was my dog so dont get freaked out when i say tht the only thing i like abt skool i get 2 see meh friends sooo im realy lame now actuly all i do is play video games and sleep alot i love the smell of rain.i like to stay away 4rm my enimys.i dont hate people and i dnt care of they hate me at all because im going to end up egnoring the "mean" comment abt me.i would get made because ppl would call me emo or goth but i just realized that they do that because they have nothing else to do in life and that they think that by saying that its going to make them better soo if thts wut u think abt me ..so..screw..you
and of corse i ♥ the red jumpsuit apparatus sooo freaken much ♥
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