One way or another, you've somehow made it to my profile.
I suppose I should introduce myself.
Hi, I'm Kelli Louise Nixon.
I don't have any nicknames, and I'd prefer that you not try to give me any. P.s. DO NOT call me Kel or give me orange soda cracks. I bite. :)
I'm seventeen years old and so very thankful for it. I want to be independent. I am completely open with myself and I don't try to be someone I'm not. It's a waste of time.
Like any other person, I have dreams, and even though mine are what some would call "unreachable", I'll never give up because they're all I've ever wanted. I go to a performing arts school because that's what I want to do with my life. I've been singing since I could talk and I've never wanted to do anything with my life besides music. I have a lot, but the one thing I don't have is what I strive for most; for my parents to support my dreams. It hurts a lot, and sometimes it makes me not want to do it anymore, but my dreams are too important to give up for anything, and that's just how it is.
People often ask me if I'm atheist. I am most definitely not. I believe in, love, and praise God with all of my heart and I believe that he will take me to a better place when my time is up here on Earth. It really offends me when people associate the way I dress with my religion.
I sing my insecurities out through songs whose lyrics describe how I feel or through literature of my own. I'm afraid to let people in, so I let myself out.
I work at Jungle Jims and on most days, it's one of my favorite places to be. I love the people I work with and all the cute little asian babies that try to steal candy. Haha.
My parents were barely around when I was little, so my sister raised me, and at one point, saved my life. I look up to her a lot. She's also married and I have the cutest one-year-old nephew in the world, Dylan.
I'm kind, I try to avoid swear words, and I refuse to call any human an enemy. Peace Police. :)
I'm random. I can't stay on one topic for long. I usually forget to think before I talk. You want to know the random side of me?
I can drink apple juice forever and never get sick of it. I'm spoiled. My parents give me what I want to get me out of their face. My bedroom door is always shut and locked. Always. I'm paranoid. I'm uneasily amused and easily annoyed, don't get them mixed up. The fourth of every month is pretty much worshiped in my life. Long story. My cell phone is pretty much attached to my hand. Texting gives me courage. Country music basically disguists me since I've lived in a hicktown all my life. I'm such a city girl. I'm a HUGE American Idol fan and I never ever miss an episode. I vote all ten times every week. I've even auditioned once. And I met David Cook. He gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. :) I hate being called emo. Actually, I hate being stereotyped period. I'm me. I don't fit into a category. I have a strange obsession with ducks and I have no choice but to love you forever if you give me one. I have a pug puppy named Napoleon. He's a pain in the butt, but he's cute and I love him. A lot. I always give everything and everybody a chance. And in most situations, a second chance as well. I stay up way too late writing in my journal, and I have a serious problem with crying myself to sleep. I hate making decisions and the ones I do make are usually wrong in some way.
There's so many things I can say about myself, but you'll still never understand me. Nobody ever will. I'm that type of girl with multi-personalities, and I show all of them off to every person I know at some point in time. Give me a chance and I'll give you change.
Wanna know the easiest way to my heart? Accept me for who I am, don't tell me that what I decide to do is wrong, and support my ambitions. I don't need a psychiatrist, I need friends. Remember that. And the most important thing of all, remember my name; I'm gonna make it someday, somehow.
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