not a song, not a poem, not a story, just something.
i wrote this recently in about 15 minutes, it just came out all at once. and now i dont remember what a lot of it means. but i do remember having all these huge ideas when i was writing it. maybe its just rubbish, i dont know. interpret it however you like

they say its best to take a stand and stand for what you believe in
but how often do we forget respect as we hold a sign of opinion?
what if there is no answer

everyone makes the decisions of the moment right or wrong
but it was always right at the time
so in the end
we're all doing our best
fly or fail
if everyone were to wait
for the voice of another
nothing would move
and nothing would stimulate
single out a fault
and the fault is shadowed
switch the colors and you build again
infinite directions that never return
what if there is no answer

rely on the perplexed and rely on the voices
rely on the silent and rely on choices
some things never change
because change moves and stays
what if there IS no answer

some seek truth and some seek an answer
those are one and the same
it depends on the journey
some prefer not to seek and listen
some prefer to choose and repeat
every word has a meaning for each mind
what if there is no answer

fight for peace solely for one
but beautiful intentions can never succeed
other stories exist with equal reason
choices are always right in creation
pacify with contentness
everyone never will
everyone accepting makes no acceptance
still no answer

words at the end of a story
tell you to enjoy
never shun another
you will, like all yet for your choice
you will shame for shame..
if your choice be not to shame
no advice
everyone is forever choosing and succeeding
unknown chemicals strive to perfection
infinite journeys with nothing alike
we will forever survive on questions
one word of universal
enjoy and live

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