Did anyone happen to go?
I thought it was amazing.
I was mad how RJA's set got set to the last one at like 9pm.
Did they even get their extra 10 mins? I'm not sure.

The storm.
That was wicked. Everyone was crying, except me. I was laughing.
I thought it was amazing. All the bands thought we were going to die together.

What was your fondest memory about Warped in Cleveland this year?
Mine would probably have to be meeting, blessthefall. They are my all time favorite band, then comes, RJA. Haha. I love them both so dearly.

Well, my DC's I wore that day are runied. It sucked.

Spill your guts on your experience.

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Well. I didn't get to go to the Warped tour -- & let me add that I'm completey pissed about it -- BUT. I went to EVERY concert they've ever played at Headliners in Toledo.

& everytime they rocked my world. I love RJA. <3
i didnt, cuz i live in cinci, but i have always wanted to see them live so much. im jealous of all you people who got to go :-P
Sarah, I cried a lot. Because I thought I broke my mom's friend's camera. And I thought RJA wasn't going to play. hah.

One word that sums up Cleveland's Warped Tour:




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