I know this in the description, but I just wanted to let you guys know that you are free to talk about anything here. Use any words you need. Just don't make fun of people. That is all I ask. And if you don't feel comfortable saying something on here, feel free to send me a message and I will do the best I can to give you advice. Now..I am not the best person to give advice, but people say I do a pretty good job. But like I said, feel free to speak your mind. Have fun. And if there is something you would like to add about this group, go ahead and start a discussion. Talk to you later =]

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im supposedly a buddhist. yet i didnt no there was such a thing til the 6th grade. AT SKOOL my parents didnt teach me crap about it. then last summer..i was sleeping on my lazy butt. my mom..got the idea of a vacation bible skool..for a week so i can get out of the house..she didnt think..i started to like christianity. they told me about a youth group they had. i wasnt sure to go thoe its just once a week...talked to my cuz she the one who told me that i didnt have to follow my parents religion. i just start to go. i just made the "get my butt out of the house" as my excuse to go. but i really like it....tho they have a thing about gay ppl(my freinds are totally against christiamnity JUST KUZ OF THIS REASON!)but anyways the fast that they help ppl have more hope and help them life up their life..is the main and best part of it.....now when im gettin serious about the religion and i never been to a retreat. i just got a free ticket to one. my mom say "u cant go cuz it goes against ur religion" Im going WTH they never told me anything about buddhism except we need to respect the dead and the chinese new year crap..thats all they care about for buddhism...but im DONT WANNA BE BUDDHIST! im still lreaning.im dont wanna say i dont wanna be buddhist since i have no idea wats it about and i have nuthin against it. but i like christianty bettter since i no more about it. parents are so stubborn...i mean how can i be buddhist when i wasnt in formed any info about it? srry..but i had to get this off my chest...i practically know no one in their teens with this kinda problem. :D
I understand that completely. Sorry it took so long. As I see it, you can choose to be whatever you want to be. No one can force any religion on you. So if you wanna be Buddhist, that is great. But if you want to try something else, go for it. Good luck :)



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