I think the best thing about releasing a new album is we get a chance to see who our TRUE Fans are. Every time we have every released an ep or album there has been people who say..."oh this is weird" or "this is different I don't like it" so we get to see who really digs us for who we are, and who does not. Thanx To ALL our True fans who continue to support or musical Journey....we love you and we know who you are!-Ronnie

Views: 73

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i like the new style, shows growing musicians! bands who produce the same thing everytime they go into the studio bore me. i hope you guys keep changing!

PS: come back to tallahassee soon!!!!!!!!!!
awesome obviously you saw some forum posts hahaha and now you know!!! im with you guys all the way!!!
When I heard "You Better Pray" for the first time I'll admit I was kind of straddling the fence between like and dislike but its growing on me. The rest of the songs are amazing... I think "Step Right Up" is my favorite, but its still too early to tell. I have no idea what negative things people have been saying but... change is inevitable in all aspects of life. People either need to accept the "this is how things are" and grow as opposed to "this is how things were" and miss out on great things.

Cheers to you Ronnie.

And... I'm with Caroline... come back to Tallahassee asap. We love you... another sold out show at Floyd's is waiting for you :)
I for one love anything you guys do so whatever to all the haters
come back to north florida as well i am about an hour from enterprise and 30 min from dothan were you all performed in december i am soo ready to see you guys again
There hasn't been a song of RJA's that I haven't thought was totally awesome. And there never will be.
I like bands that change up their sound a bit. It keeps things interesting. I have yet to hear a song by y'all that I do not like and that's saying a lot.



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Discussion Forum

The New Jams 10 Replies

Started by Ronnie Winter-Defoe. Last reply by Just A Fan Nov 21, 2011.

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