What are your views?
Are you on L's side, or Kira's side?
Do you even like Death Note?
Discuss. :]

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Its hard to choose sides for me...
Kira is killing criminals and Light is really smart...
L is upholding justice but is sort of ignorant pursuing Light without hardcore evidence for so long...
Its hard...
With Light no longer using the Death Note, I'm on the side of justice! Woot Woot!
Agh, I agree!
I'm more on Kira's side more, though. Seeing as, he has a point. To me, he's justice.
L is rad, though. I love him xD
oh jeez wow! DEATH NOTE IS AMAZING!!!!
Mello is my favorite of all time b/c he pwns soooper hardcore!
but i suppose since the american version hasnt gotten that far yet, no one knows who he is?
*le sigh*
anyway, L is my second favorite! b/c i think cake is awesom too! lol
Light scares me...
I hate the english dub! D<
Mello is HxC out the hizzaaay. XD

Raito-sama isn't that scary. Though...I probably don't see that because I'm teetering on the edge of his brand of scary.
OMG!! I love Death Note!! ^^....I'm on L's side b/c L is AMAZING!! lolz XD



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