"You Better Pray" on Philippines Myx MIT 20 (Update: YBP is already OUT OF THE COUNTDOWN!!!)

Feb 21: Guys, terrible news... "You Better Pray" is NOT on the countdown anymore!!! :( Please keep on voting! It's so sad... From 14 to nothing...

I just wanted to share that I'm so. SO happy because RJA'S YOU BETTER PRAY has advanced 5 places on the Myx International Top 20 (a local TV chart show here in the Phil.)! It really made my day! I was nervous coz I thought they were not on the countdown anymore. They were on the 19th spot (second to the last) for TWO WEEKS and I almost screamed when I found out they were already on the 14th spot! (I can't scream here at home coz my mom might think I'm crazy. Haha)

Well, let's keep on voting for RJA! I'm just so happy that our beloved band is doing well again in our country. "Your Guardian Angel" as #1 was already a gift for fans like me... "You Better Pray" could do better! ;)

Thanks guys! :)

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maybe we could still vote for it right? the requests too, i think, matter... so maybe we could send some emails requesting for the song.. let's show our support by making them number 1!
Kudos to you! That's what I was talking about! Hehe :)

We still have hope... :)
That's right keep voting... just like you guyz... im hoping to watch their song number one... hahaha!!! makakascream ako sa bahay kasi alam naman ng lahat samin na i Go GAga for RJA eh...



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