Mine would have to be "Pull Me Back". Amazing structure, amazing guitar, amazing vocals :). Let me know what your favorite is! It can even be a song from Don't You Fake It, or before.

Long Live the Alliance!

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i like three,
"Pull Me Back",
same reasons as you :)

this song just makes me want
to move and its makes me smile.

and "The Grim Goodbye."
everything in this song is just great.
lyrics are good. vocals/screams, guitar,
bass, drums, all AMAZING. and its
long. :) so i can listen to it forever. :D
Grim Goodbye used to be my favorite song of all time... I got the tab booklet for Don't You Fake It, and just everything about that song is so complex, I don't see how it's possible to write something like that, much less put it all together to make a great song :) Awesome, awesome song. And yes, it is long :) i listen to it every night before bed, it gives me good dreams ;]
dude, i listen to it every night to! *HIGH FIVE* :D
i just freakin love that song.
any person who can play it is my hero!
Pen and paper :)
I have to say Guardian Angel is my absolute fave, Face Down is right there too. I also love Pen & Paper, False Pretense and Cat and Mouse. :)
i have to say Disconnected, You Better Pray, Your Gaurdian Angel, and Face down
uh.. your guardian angel, cat and mouse, face down, atrophy, misery loves its company, home improvement, justify, disconnected, represent, pen and paper & you better pray.. i kinda like grim goodbye and false pretense too, but not that much.. [\m/]_//.^_[\m/]
my fav rja song ever is angels cry but......

cat and mouse is my fav off of DYFI

represent is my fav (so far) off of LR
Lonely Road so far- Pull Me Back
Don't You Fake It- I loved all of the songs, it would be so hard to chose! But if I had to it'd out of False Pretence, Misery Loves It's Company or perhaps In Fate's Hands
Before.... Well I like 20 hour drive [if it was before]
pull me back, sme reasons you do, and face down
I dont have one fav. but my favs. are

grim goodbye
misery loves its company
pen and paper
getting by!!!

but of course i love all of their songs :)
I have to say...so far I love Pull me back. Love the sound. Your guardian angel comes second for me.



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Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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