Whats Your Favorite Song Off the New Album?

Mine would have to be "Step Right Up"


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Believe is definitely my favorite. Really heartfelt lyrics. The song actually made me cry because it was so beautiful. It's something that people anywhere can relate to because it happens everywhere. I really agree with the lyrics... "I still believe that there is more love than hate, more heart than ache." Absolutely beautiful. Amazing job Red Jumpsuit.
this new album is absolutely unreal.. i love the whole thing but Believe is definitely #1
i would definitely have to agree, it was so hard to pick just one, lol. but in the end i decided that believe was the best :]
hmm ALL?!
i love:
No Spell
I LOVE the whole album, but I would definitely say represent, pen and paper and pleads and postcards are my top fav songs.
Their album is crazy awesome.
Pleads and Postcards! I don't understand why most people do not mention it. :( It's such a beautiful song with a beautiful meaning/story...

However, Senioritis (though not my most favorite... probably just 4th) strikes me the most because I'm a senior, and we only have about 4 class days left :((
no spell
pen and paper
lonely road:)

>>but actually i love all of their songs..but this is my fave 5 songs of the album
My favorite would have to be Pull Me Back. The whole song just makes me go crazy everytime; it so rocks. The guitar solo is really, really amazing. RJA should totally do more of this kind.

But You Better Pray comes a close second.

Then all the other songs on the album are all third on the list :P

I still prefer Don't You Fake It though. Lonely Road (the album, I mean) kind of has a country feel to it, which makes me cringe a little if I think too much about it.

Face Down is still the best song ever.
my favorite : represent, lonely road, pleads & postcards, godspeed, you better pray, believe, pull me back...
i LOVE Represent, it's super duper kaduper amazing. It inspires me. Thank you RJA. :)



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PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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