Whats Your Favorite Song Off the New Album?

Mine would have to be "Step Right Up"


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hahaha.. were the same joy donabel!
Mine is Godspeed. I think it's the best...
i like pull me back, step right up, believe (aka hippy song! :D), pleads and postcards, senioritis,
BUT i love godspeed! :))

i like the whole though, its really great.
uh.. i guess lonely road and represent.. though the whole album rocks.. i just really feel the lyrics.. i kinda feel they wrote the songs for me or something.. lol =)
Mine would definitely be "Represent"...and then probably "Lonely Road"...oh, I love them all!
i like them all but my favs r step right up , pen and paper, pull me back but the best song ever is face down
represent, with out a doubt

the bass line is the best they have ever done
ronnies vocals are amazing
the lyrics are better than Waiting (which are INCREDIBLE!)

its just the best, hands down
yeah i agree with u represent is amazing
old n new album i like ALL..
my fav is either godspeed or step right up, their soo good
Believe. Lonely Road. You Better Pray. The list is long.
Hahhahhaha, it's so funny reading through your comments because it's supposed to be FAVORITE song and it's more like favoriteS. :P
Mine is Believe, AKA the hippie song. It takes a lot of balls to throw a song like this out there; not only because it's not exactly "mainstream," but also because the lyrics are so personal and beautiful. "I know you know that we could do more, but we just don't." How true is that in our own personal lives? Way to go RJA, you rock.



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