This is for anyone and everyone who wants to add a comment on what they are thankful for this thanksgiving. I am thankful everyday of my life, even for all the small things like my bed, my socks, and my baseball bat. Haha....and then the really important stuff, like my family, my friends, the food i have, and the roof over my head that i call home. As we think of everything we are thankful for this thanksgiving, we can't help to think about other people and what they are thankful for. Unfortunately some people don't really have much...yet they are still thankful to be alive. Every year schools donate cans of food for sponsored food drives around thanksgiving. People dontate because maybe they know what it's like to have nothing to eat sometimes. Or maybe just to feel good about themselves. But it's important to be thankful anyways, and a reality check sometimes makes us think harder about the things we are lucky enough to have. Anyways, i thought it would be nice to have us share the things we are thankful for, and remind ourselves that everyone is thankful for different things and there is no harm in needing help sometimes. Because everyone has something to be thankful for.

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I am thankful for being able to say "ow" every morning. Those that know me know why.
I am thankful for so many small things in life. Seeing a kid giggle cause he's just happy at being a kid with no worries. Watching a dog chase his tail. Seeing old people walk hand in hand. Life is precious...enjoy it all you can.
My dad gave my a pretty good prospective on things...he told me a story about someone complaining about not having new shoes---until they looked over and saw someone with no feet. (~~go ahead and ponder this for a moment~~)
There is always something to be thanful for.
wow, yes you are right. thanks for sharing that with me. i hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving. :)
lets be thankful for THIS SITE.

and you.

and hope the rad days to celebrate are great for u and u and u and
who u wanna aa
for alll
haha..thanx marie. same to you too! :)
here in chile there is no thanksgiving
well that's ok martin..:)
im happy for you erik, and thank you for sharing. :)
i am thankful, for being strong enough to stay alive, thankful for my friends(lov u styx, kr), they keep me alive, and for rja, they gave me hope with facedown, that i too can find a new life, with someone who will treat me right. thanks to everyone here too, true rja fans.
guess i'm thankful 4 same, cuz its what i'm here for
thank u for u, even though you annoy the hell out of me ne, and though i've tried to kill you a couple times. i'm thankful for u and kr, wudn't be here if it wasn't for all yuh.









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