we all know the guys always come on the alliance and check out what fans are saying ETC. But I came up with this idea to let you guys write what you want to each guy and Ill hand print it out and give it to them when I see them next week.

SO the deadline needs to be in by the dec 16th around 6AM

So here we go write whatever you'd like to each guy(as long as it is positive)
Pictures, words, songs, lyrics, whatever you'd like (just as long as it is respectful)

and Ill make sure they get it=)

Peace, love, and red jumpsuit.

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okay lemme get it wrotended ded
i want to thank each of them, for saving my life, time and time again, that i play their music, after i get knocked around, when i lie broken on the floor, and think that life is not worth living, and that i cannot be loved because of my abuse, they make me believe, make me have hope, with facedown, and your guardian angel. i love them very much, and i want to wish them a merry christmas
...okie..but im not finish yet...but'll type it once if im not busy anymore
first i want to say i think its great how this band has a site where their fans can connect, share, and the band actually pays attention and cares what we think and say. not many bands have this. there have been times when i sign on my computer, in the worst mood, and when i sign on i get happy. :) haha and that leads me to the next thing. i get really happy when i listen to yall's music. it just feels like someones been where i have been and they put the heartache, good times, abuse and everything else in a song. its like that saying "when words fail music speaks" or whatever it is. well your music is my words. its just refreshing, gets me going and ready for the road ahead of me. ha the day i quit speaking to my father, i went in my room and blasted face down while i packed. hahaha didnt sit well with him but it made me smile. i can pick something out of every song that i can relate to and the same goes to a number of my friends. in the mornings before school i play yall's album "dont you fake it" on my blackberry and everyone sings along and has a good time. it doesnt feel like the day as started if i dont do that. :) yall's music means a great deal to me. i CANNOT wait for the new album i know its gonna be even better. :D by the way "pen and paper" is really good but"you better pray" is ingenius! it shows how talented every member of the band truly is!

so basicly keep up the good work, your really helping people and just making lives alittle bit happier with every note and kind word.
-Kaitlyn :)

hey guys.. I just wanted to say you inspire a lot of people with your songs.. and I admire you guys with that.. I'm one of the people that you inspired.. If it's possible, can you sing the lyrics that I'm going to make?? I already started it.. so I'll just send it to you when it is finished.. thanks again more power to you.. and make more inspiring songs.. thanks again..^_^



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PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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