
Here's an article from Alternative Press, Feb 8th.
Posted by Tim Karan on 08-Feb-09 @ 09:14 PM

Pop-punk legends Blink-182 are reuniting. Vocalist/guitarist Tom DeLonge, vocalist/bassist Mark Hoppus and drummer Travis Barker made the announcement Sunday night as presenters at the 2009 Grammy Awards. Barker said, "We used to play music together, and we decided we're gonna play music together again." Hoppus said, "Blink-182 is back."

Blink-182 went on indefinite hiatus in 2005, leading to the formation of DeLonge's Angels & Airwaves and Hoppus and Barker's (+44). The new album will be the band's sixth full-length and their first since their self-titled 2003 album. For a more detailed history of the band, check out web editor Tim Karan's blog here.

UPDATED 10:17 P.M. EST: The band has concurrently posted a message at their website stating that they are currently in the studio writing and recording a record. "Summer 2009" is also mentioned, implying either a release of that record or perhaps a tour. The band also have new merch for sale.


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way cool!!!!!! seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
same here!

and i hope Yellowcard will do the same
yeah yellowcard r good, they have been on an acoustic tour i think
yeah, i heard about it, and they were in my town but i couldnt get in (it was at a bar)
I know right!?
I'm so freaking excited.
I think I stopped breathing watching the Grammy's.

And, new Green Day album this May.
Awesome year for music.
niiiiice.. im glad they're back
i think this year will be good for music also, if you look lots of good records are being made between 2004 through now
Nice! I don't personally listen to Blink-182, but I love Angels & Airwaves, so I know Tom DeLonge is great.
Green Day? Seriously?!! They just had a new cd under the band name of "Foxboro Hottubs". Hmm. :D
And Taking Back Sunday soon, and My Chemical Romance this year, too!
AWESOME!!! the only song of their's that i know is all the small things, but i still love them;)
Hell yes! I grew up listening to these guys. I do hope they get back together!
lol I saw them on the Grammy's. they were cute :)



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