Roc-Bar Jax Beach March 5th, 2010...anyone else gonna be there?


Sarah Catherine? Branden? Punkin?


I love seeing Alliance friends :)

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does anyone know if it's 18/21+ ?
i am stuck on the other coast until the 6th and then im headed back to Tampa :(
wait is jumpsuit playing? and its on beach blvd right?
noo Punkin' isnt going to be traveling much now thanks to my full time cashier job. =/
if i get my ticket before it sells out, troy and i will be there!!
If you find info or tix before me give me a call. We might take a ride to the beach tomorrow and we'll stop in and see about tix. Never been there so I'm not sure the size of the club or what. Would hate to arrive on DOS and it be sold out.
Have a great time Lynn!!

Thanks for your help! We'll meet up another time, im going to see rja in wisconsin in july,so yeah have an awesome time!!
Megan and I got our tickets last night. Seems like he still had a good sized stack available. Nice looking club. Looking forward to a show there. it's in Beach Plaza across from Giovanni's. We stopped off and got our Rita's Gelati. YUM!!!!!!!
im there fo sho
Super, Chicago April 20th!! Party at Reggies Rock club!
it an all ages show...hope to see everyone there
thanks (:
if i don't make it i'll probably be at the 27th show









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