What are your fave moments whether it was a youtube, a concert or interview...I've only recently discovered RJA and already am completely in love...I have to say I absolutely love Ronnie's voice n how he can go from screaming straight into a melody...that's an amazing talent!!! This band captivated me and I'm glad...now what's yours??

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everything about RJA is memorable to me! however meeting them in person is an instant trip to heaven! lol!
me and my friend met Ronnie and Jon before a show once, and they asked if we were going in to the show soon or something. so my friend goes "yeah we are! but we decided to come stalk you guys first" (jokingly)
Ronnie misheard her and goes "you decided to come SOCK us?? WHAT???"
so yeah then we started laughing.
since i've known them..esp. when i met them at the mall.!!
each of my RJA experiences(11 in all) is special in its own way and i remember each one. i can't really pick a favorite moment.

with that being said, i do have to say one of the better moments RJA related was on June 15th. i was having a really s***ty day, but i saw on twitter than RJA was doing random chatting, so i came over and started chatting. Well we got on the subject of school and someone asked what college i went to and so i said,"Florida State" Then this is the convo that followed:

Ronnie: Bobby Bowden is the man
Me: I really don't like Bobby Bowden
Ronnie: Why he's old and harmless
Me: It be different if we were winning but we suck. He just needs to retire already.
Ronnie: You don't suck you are just stuck in a rut.

that totally made my day 100% better

ps. Ronnie if you read this, you should come here to Florida State when we play Jacksonville St. on September 12th. I could possibly even get you a discounted ticket.
these two videos are my fav. i took them:



they are amazing! i watch the first one at least once a day haha..i also have other videos of them just check it out!
One time Elias (former member) & Joey did an interview of the tour bus and it's awesome!! Check it out...
I love everything bout rja!
When i met ronnie and his wife!

He said i had awesome hair!
He even said it was like his.. When he combs it!
It was funny!!
theres so many i cant really pick one but it would have to be on youtube red jumpsuit apparatus live in 2009 Singapore false pretense ronnie was like dancing and stuff it was so cool and the person who took the video had great sound quality and hd
also when i met ronnie he was so nice and down to earth it was like talking to none of my friends except none of my friends are as hot as he is i said hi and he said hi and he asked me if i enjoyed the concert i said yes and he asked me what my fav song was i told him false pretense and he said oh really we opened the show with that song you must have been jammin out and i laughed and said yeah and then i asked him if could get a pic with him and he said sure and after the pic he did i hope you enjoyed the concert and i said i did and thanks and left it was awesome
so i just watched this interview from may 11th. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_-QOnriJgA

lol apparently the next ablum is gunna be titled "shot of jager and a prayer"



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PR : Mike@EarShotMedia.com

Booking : Jordan@ArteryGlobal.com


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