I did these about 2 years back.
Notice the lines? They're from my lecture notebook, I'm notorious for sketching while the professor's talking. :D

I usually draw like crazy when I'm depressed. It just shows that RJA's songs have helped me get through the down sides. I'll be forever grateful for it.
Let me know what you think. thanks. :))

-some of these are not original. sometimes i "twist" art.

This one is my Your Guardian Angel and Face Down cross over:

This one's for Angels Cry:

for Face Down:

This one's more recent than the others. Its watercolored. It's kinda sorta the guardian angel and the love of his life. I love the irony of her being a mermaid. =) :

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I think that they are amazing! :D
i like htem they are rel well done. the angels cry one is realllly goo.d! ... the leg on the right looks a little offjust a little to thin., but ywha great job!
thanks. :)
ooh, you noticed that one too huh. Well, it was supposed to be a shadow-y part of the leg. Shaded it too dark tho. I do tend to overshade. lol. But, thanks for noticing..
- nice...
Lironster & Dharren: Thank you~ :)
Very nice :D
i cant color for shit...

i like ur style...very anime-ish...
im tryin to change my style from anime to western...but so far im failing lol :D
thank you. :)
i know what you mean, style transition is frustrating.
but you're already good tho, i can't draw human bodies; they end up looking weird.
so kudos to you for doing that perfectly. :))
Wow, I'm impressed, it really pushed away the boredom.
these are really awesome :)
Kreizl: Whoa. Thanks. :)
Musika: ^____^
Kanela: Thank You~
you've got real talent nadz, they totally rock! i could imagine your creative mind working while doing this. i really have high respects on people who could draw cos i couldn't myself, well, i've been trying so hard but im not getting anywhere. =) i really wish i could translate my love for the band through nice pieces like these. so kudos and i hope there's more to come!!! ♥



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