Mechanics for the Upcoming RJA Show/Tour in Manila and Meet & Greet Passes

Here’s the mechanics for the upcoming show of the RJA here in Manila.

1. Purchase any requirements/items within Glorietta at Link Building, Park Square 1 either on March 6 or 7 worth Php 500.00 and above, single or accumulated receipt.
2. Exchange your receipts to get the ticket on March 7 only, Saturday, 10 am.

There are only 200 seats available and it’s a first come first serve basis.
Php 500.00 is equivalent to one seat.

1. Purchase any items worth Php 1,500.00 single receipt within Trinoma or Php 1,000.00 single receipt (minimum) at third level only.
2. Receipts are equivalent to two (2) seats.
3. Tickets should be claim one day before the show, which is March 07, Saturday.

There are 200 seats available but since the minimum receipts are equivalent to two (2) seats, we only have 100 slots at Trinoma.

Ayala Malls A-Card Holder will have the privilege to avail the above mentioned passes. How to get the A-Card? Present your receipt worth Php 10,000.00 within six (6) months at A-Card Concierge/Booth together with one (1) valid id and Php 300.00. The first 20 who will present the said card will have the chance to meet and greet the band.
The first six to claim the tickets will get the passes (not the final mechanics yet).

Note: This for Glorietta & Trinoma only. I’ll update this thread to post the mechanics for the show at the other venues as soon as I get the details. But for those who know how we can watch the show, please share us the details. It’ll be highly appreciated. Thanks!

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Thanks! :)

So it's 500 pala... How about yung sa meet and greet pass? I was told na bumili daw ng CD. On the day itself ba or baka pwedeng kasabay na nung 500 yung pagbili ng CD?

Will try to update you guys tomorrow, I'm planning to call Market Market. Busy kasi kanina. :|
why not bring someone with you so one could fall in line to get the seats and the other would be on the cd. cos the cd-meet and greet wont be sold till the concert day itself.
Oh, you're right! Di ko ito naisip. Duh. :)) Haha. So, the concert day itself pala dapat... Thank you again, Mariel! :D

Anyway, sorry coz I wasn't able to go home early, so I didn't get the chance to call Market Market.
You won't get the passes when you buy the cd... i aLready posted the mechanics for that, for Glorietta and Trinoma. The passes for Glorietta costs 10k not Php 350.00 :(
i stand corrected, sorry about that. ive been trying to call concierge but damn i couldnt get hold of someone. always busy. i wish there are other ways to meet and take pics with the band aside from purchasing an a-card, that much? dont think so... im just gonna go there and stalk them hahaha... or if all else fails, im just gonna content myself being a part of an amazing crowd. :(

thanks girl for the updates.
Oh, bummer :( I was able to call Market Market a while ago. A-Card nga lang daw dapat for meet and greet, and that was the only advice they have... But she (the one I talked to) did say that there are times when may mga sumisingit sa line for meet and greet... So I asked her if that was really allowed, as long as I'm going to observe decorum. She said "yes". Haha.
ahaha, my friend and i are talking about this a lot since i've learned about the a-card thing. he said we just go at the show n lng and watch. if we're lucky enough to get a chance for the meet and greet then good, all i know is that i'm gonna go there and sing my heart out, and take pictures of me and my friend at the venue. haha ang loser naman. a myspace buddy said even if the guys are more than willing to go and meet the fans, you don't stand a chance with their battalion of guards =( the guards who i supposed will be pinoys won't let us come near them. that sucks but that's just usually how it is.
- well, let's just enjoy the show... seeing them performing live will be sooooo much fun.
sa trinoma, the first 10 persons to get the stub in march 7 will be able to meet and greet the band
- that'll be hard especially for those who wants to watch the show at Glorietta & Trinoma cause both venues have the same date and time of claiming the tickets..
waah!!!!!! trinoma...i forgot the purchase date!!!!! hahaha so i must buy 1.5k worth of ggods again! man i hate myself for not paying attention ! we must be super early on march 7. i won't get the tickets for the glorietta, too costly na if i would buy pa. huhuhuhuhu...but i'll be in glorietta in the sidelines!!!!!
wer will i claim d tickets?









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