OMG I'm going to the NC show, I'm so excited!!! It's going to be about a 5 hour drive, but my dad just got it off from work and we're going to go down there together! I'm sorry, I know this is probably entirely irrelevant and I'm acting like a fool, but I'm just so excited! I was jumping up and down when I found out like 2 minutes ago... I :| never do that :|
But OMG, let me know if you're going to the show, I'd love to meet ya and give ya a copy of my book or just chill :)
Long Live the Alliance!

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i'd love to go, but i live overseas.. but hey, i'm excited for you too!!!:D hope you have fun :)
dude thats sweet...i would go but im going to the feb 3rd release party ... boooo ya! lol i get that excited too when im about to go to a show lol....hey i want a copy of your book!!
AWESOME! I'm looking forward to it just look for the really tall guy :)
Aw, that's cool.
lol you're totally not acting like a fool either.
Be excited.

(my sister wanted to go to this show because it's on her birthday.. that's reeeaaally far though.)
hehehe...that sounds exciting... its normal to be so soooo excited. rja is coming to my country some time in march... i might take a leave of absence from my work if possible cuz it's an hour (by plane) from the city i live :) enjoy the show nick :)
....eleanor is going to the rja show..hahaha
See ya there.. I''ll be at both the shows in NC.. friday and saturday so let me know if ur going :)
ugh! I SO wish I could go. I used to live in NC, but now I live up north.

I'm sure it'll be an amazing concert and that you'll have TONS of fun! I'm excited for you!









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