What is your fave RJA song and why? Mine is your guardian angel as it reminds me of my bf :) going to play it at our wedding

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False Pretense
Coz it reminds me of friendship and my friends. How everything would turn out just ok, then after, chaos.
The Grim Goodbye
Because i love the screaming, and it tells me to be strong and keep going. And Your Guardian Angel because i'd love for someone to think of me that way. And it's the way i want to feel about someone else someday too. The lyrics are very beautiful and make me cry in the good happy way, when i'm depressed. I absolutly love ALL of RJA's songs but if I had to pick these to would top them all just barely. I also love Justify and Seventeen Ain't So Sweet. thank you ronnie winter, duke kichens, matt carter, joey westwood, and jon wilkes. you rock LOVE YA ;)
i agree its hard to pick a fave when i love them all so much... thank you to the band hope they realise how much their music helps people get through some really bad times xxx LOVE FOREVER
I think it would have to be FaceDown. First song I heard from them, as well my family were victims of domestic violence. One of my good friends sent it to me and I wanted to head out to Warped that summer. All their songs have touched me in some way, there is a lyric or melody in most every song that stays with me. One of my friends committed suicide & Cat and Mouse aswell as Love Seat reminds me of them. So many reasons to love RJA. Basically, they preach being real & true to yourself. Their music helps release the woes of everyday life and reminds us to stay strong. They are a team of hilarious & unique people, unafraid to be themselves. They are the unsung heroes for me in such a backwards society. They are part of the reason the shitty parts of life, aren't so bad. I know I seem like I'm idoloizing them, but they are genuine with a laid back vibe and won't boast, so we have too, lol. My Lover and I are both 20 and thouroughly enjoy RJA concerts, music and love :) Don't you fake it!
Don't hate- just cause it's the shit
100% agree
choke, coz its my favorite song

I don't know if I could choose! However, Pleads and Postcards is one of my faves as it just sounds... so epic. The meaning is so strong behind it and the music is so well written. Looooove it.



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