hey i was wonder which is the right lyrics out of these 3
I need this
Is it a good time for you
And if it’s not just know
I may not be here when you need me

Sometimes I feel like I would die without you
And if it’s too early don’t worry when I say I’m sorry now
Hang on to this moment
It will be all over soon

‘Cause I know you’ll wait for me
You’ll wait for me ‘til I get home
Yes, I know you’ll wait for me
You’ll wait for me ‘til I get home

Is this what life is supposed to be about?
Sometimes it’s hard, but I will help you understand it somehow
The only thing that I want from you is trust
Together we will make it through this world
We must

Hang on to this moment
It will be all over soon

‘Cause I know you’ll wait for me
You’ll wait for me ‘til I get home
Yes, I know you’ll wait for me
You’ll wait for me ‘til I get home

But if I should fall
Then you should move on
All eyes watch out for you from up above
Now don’t take this wrong
But you should move on
All eyes watch over you from up above

This could be the last time that I speak with you
Just in case let’s make the best of what we have until it’s through

‘Cause I know you’ll wait for me
You’ll wait for me ‘til I get home
Yes, I know you’ll wait for me
You’ll wait for me ‘til I get home
I get home


I know this isn't a good time for you
And if it's not just know I may not be here when you need me
Sometimes I feel like I would die without you
And if it's too early don't worry when I say I'm sorry now

Hang on till this moment,
It will be all over soon

Cause I know you'll wait for me
You'll wait for me till I get home
Yes I know you'll wait for me
You'll wait for me till I get home

Is this what life is supposed to be about?
Sometimes it's hard but I will help you understand it somehow
The only thing that I want from you is trust
Together we will make it through this world we must

Hang on till this moment,
It will be all over soon

Cause I know you'll wait for me
You'll wait for me till I get home
Yes I know you'll wait for me
You'll wait for me till I get home

But if I should fall
And you should move on
Our eyes watch out for you from up above

Now don't take this wrong
But you should move on
Our eyes watched over you from up above

This could be the last time that I speak with you
But just in case let's make them best of what we have until this through

Cause I know you'll wait for me
You'll wait for me till I get home
Yes I know you'll wait for me
You'll wait for me till I get home


I need this
Is it a good time for you
And if it’s not just know
I may not be here when you need me

Sometimes I feel like I would die without you
And if it’s too early don’t worry when I say I’m sorry now
Hang on to this moment
It will be all over soon

‘Cause I know you’ll wait for me
You’ll wait for me ‘til I get home
Yes, I know you’ll wait for me
You’ll wait for me ‘til I get home

Is this what life is supposed to be about?
Sometimes it’s hard, but I will help you understand it somehow
The only thing that I want from you is trust
Together we will make it through this world
We must

Hang on to this moment
It will be all over soon

‘Cause I know you’ll wait for me
You’ll wait for me ‘til I get home
Yes, I know you’ll wait for me
You’ll wait for me ‘til I get home

But if I should fall
Then you should move on
i'll always watch out/over for you from up above
Now don’t take this wrong
But you should move on
i'll always watch out/over for you from up above

This could be the last time that I speak with you
Just in case let’s make the best of what we have until it’s through

‘Cause I know you’ll wait for me
You’ll wait for me ‘til I get home
Yes, I know you’ll wait for me
You’ll wait for me ‘til I get home
I get home

there are little differences here and there but which one is the right one? thanks

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look at the lonely road album... all the lyrics are there



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