OK I watched the guys for the first time last night in the UK I have waited for so long and I can tell you I was not disappointed. You guys who have seen them tons of times before are so so lucky.

The guys came out to talk to us in the queue before the gig and they were so nice.

I can't describe the emotion I felt seeing the gig it was just beyond amazing.

Off to watch them in Manchester tonight and I know it will just be as good.

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oof coming all the way from birmingham?
pretty big dedication
what was the setlist?
I am so glad you enjoyed them Kathryn :D Did you get a chance to find Steve? You'll have to give us details of the shows. Trust me...we know the emotion you were feeling and it is indescribable. We have travelled many miles (almost 38,000!) over the years to see them play and still feel that way at each concert.
The way they were when you met them in line was exactly the way they are. They don't put on false aires for anyone.
Well in response to everyone....I live in Manchester so I technically I travelled to Birmingham.

Set list was Waiting, False Pretense, In Fates hands, Damn regret,17 aint so sweet, guardian angel, face down, grim goodbye. They also did foo fighters cover My hero and Elias did a Beatles cover but dont know the song. Manchester set list was Waiting, In fates hands, Damn regret, 17, Justify, Guardian Angel, Face Down, Grim goodbye again they did a foo fighters cover & another I'm not sure of.

I did get to speak with Steve for a long time he such a nice guy to be honest I never actually realised it was him until today when I was looking on My Space, but I did mention it to him about commenting on my post. And last night after the show he came direct to me and gave me a guitar pick even though I hadn't spoke to him at that point which I thought was nice.

The guys are so nice too they make everything personal and special during tonights set the girl that you seem to call bitch at a show because a band directs all the attention to them at a show well tonight I was that bitch and I was so pleased. They even rembered my name and how to spell it.

Sorry for going on people I am just so buzzing at the minute I had to get it all out.....LOL
its okay. we've all felt that way at their concerts. i still remember why each time ive seen them was so special and ive seen them 7 times.
Sorry got a little Fan girl there it was late, but I couldn't help it I was just over come with happiness XD

Roll on London



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