Hope to see all of your smiling faces tonight at Jack Rabbits to the hear and see our hometown boys, and Staci. How many of you crazy j-ville fans will be going? It is sure to be a night to remember.....every show is. I'll be the girl who looks like she doesn't belong in my cords and my tank(not trying to be seen in the scene...ha ha lynn!!) So if you see me and wanna say hi, don't be shy!!!! :) Let's hear it for the BOYS!!

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Gonna be a good show
I went!!

it was crazily good!
i think i saw you... did u hang out with everyone afterwards?

where were you standing at the concert when they were playing?

oh.. and what did u think of Amaru?
Great seeing you again Kara :)
Katherine, were you with the person, Montana, who asked the question during the Qand A session?
haha, was she the one who told her life's story about ronnie signing her shirt or whatever.. but no i wasnt..
yes i was there but i was very fashionably late!! so i did not get to see amaru. were they good? i did stay and hang out afterwords.......lynn i totally got you on the duke/anna thing we talked about.....remind me to tell you about that one......its funny!!!!!
Amaru was good =]
i bought a CD
I got their cd, too. Pretty good. The guitarist, Stephen, is from Shadow Agency...that is the band that we went to watch the very first time we saw RJA many years ago. lol Small world, huh.

and Katherine...Where were you standing? I remember someone wearing the t-shirt you have on the pic (cause I have one of those too!) but I just assumed you were local friends who liked RJA. Sorry. Yeah, she was the girl asking if they remembered her from whenever ago. (hehehe) Then Ronnie quoted the states.
i was standing pretty close to the stage sorta in between Duke and Ronnie, i was with two of my sisters and they were behind me.

where were you? i think i remember most of the people around me...
I was around the same area only several people back. I am usually found on the front row, but I had my second knee surgery (coincidentally from a pit injury at Jack Rabbits) in the beginning of April and thought it best to hang back. Acoustic or not, I know there is always a chance of crowd craziness at any RJA show. With Amaru being local too I wasn't sure how rowdy it'd get.
oh, im sorry about you knee and hope you u get better =]
but im glad that it didnt get crazy.. i dont know why but i dont like mosh pits.. i'd rather just jump up and down and sing along =]



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